81. Billie Joe Armstrong {Requested}

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*A/n* - This imagine was requested by LiSantos3

Hope you enjoy! 


Ashley was awoken by Billie as he kissed her body. "Morning gorgeous." He smiled as he continued to plant kisses all over her. She smiled as she watched him, felt his kisses, and remembered the events of last night and found herself blushing. If there was anything that Billie could do better than write a song, it was to make Ashley feel everything all at once. Ashley wrapped the covers around her body as she lay next to him in the bed. "Morning." She replied as she kissed him back. Billie held in her his arms, continuing to plant kisses on her every now and again. "So, last night was-" Billie began, raising his eyebrows at Ashley as under the covers, his fingers began moving down her body. "It was alright." Ashley smirked, jokingly as she bit her lip. The feeling of Billie's fingers along her body sent shivers down her spine and made the heat between her legs rise. "You're a tease." He told her as his fingers reached her entrance and began to move in circles at her core. Within seconds, Ashley could feel the urge to moan to tried to hold it back, not wanting to give Billie the satisfaction. "It's no use trying to hold it in." He told her as started to place his fingers in. That's when Ashley began to moan.

"There we go." He smiled as he went back to kissing her body.

"Fuck Billie." Ashley said as he continued to tease her. She ran her fingers through his hair as pleasure surged through her body. When she reached towards the end, he removed his fingers. "Why are you such a tease?" She whimpered as she started to climb out of bed and grabbed a shirt, she chose a Blink 182 shirt and a pair of pyjama shorts. She pulled them on. "I'm going to head for a shower." She told Billie as he also got out of bed. "I'll make you breakfast." He smiled, winking at Ashley before he grabbed hold of her and threw her over his shoulder, making her laugh. "Billie!" She said as her hair went into her face, his hands were placed onto her legs.

When they arrived in the kitchen, she placed her back down and kissed her. "What about my shower?" She asked.

"I'm not done with you yet." He admitted as he pulled out a chair for her at the table. "Mrs Armstrong." He smiled.

"Why, thank you." She smiled, taking it. Billie walked over to the cupboards, pulled them open before standing still and looking puzzled. "What on earth can I make you?" He asked, before turning back to her and smiling. "I know, a Billie Joe Breakfast." A smirk formed on his face.

"A Billie Joe Breakfast?" Ashley repeated to ensure that she heard him correctly, when he nodded in reply she added; "What's a Billie Joe Breakfast?" He looked at her shocked.

"It's a world-renowned dish, thank you very much." Ashley couldn't help but laugh, she couldn't deny that Billie had a sense of humour, it was just one of the many things that she loved about him. He looked at Ashley before leaving the room and coming back with one of his ties. "What's this for?" Ashley asked as he placed it over her eyes. "This is some kinky shit, Billie." She laughed. "I can't have you seeing how it's made now can I?" He tutted. "A chef never reveals his secrets."

"You're an idiot." Ashley told him as she laughed.

"An idiot who's madly in love with you." He replied, kissing the side of her cheek and walking back over the counter. All Ashley can hear is the sound of Billie rusting in the cupboards before she hears the sound of pots and pans banging about. It all goes silent for a few minutes before Ashely hears Billie say: "Shit." He had dropped an egg on the floor. "Are you sure that you don't want any help?" She asked as she heard him rush to clean up the mess that he had made. "Positive." He replied. There was another few seconds of silence before Billie touched her hand, "Actually." He said, "I may need some assistance." He helped her up and walked her over to the counter that he was just sat at. Her blindfold was still over her eyes. "Is the blindfold still necessary?" She asked as she manoeuvred herself, with the help of Billie, around the corner of a counter. "Not anymore." He said, removing the blindfold and waiting for her reaction. Ashley looked at the sight in front of her. "What have you done?" She asked, laughing. The kitchen counters were covered in broken eggs, flour, grapes (a lot of them squash into a pool of juice), amongst other things. Ashely turned to look at Billie, she was still laughing. "What's so funny?" Billie asked her.

"You." She replied as a smirk appeared on his face. She looked to see that he was holding the carton of milk in his hands. "Billie." She said, cautiously as the smile on his face only got bigger as he tipped some of the milk down her shirt. "That's not funny." She told him.

"It's hilarious." He said. "You're soaked." He was now laughing but Ashley was determined to put a stop to that. She grabbed Billie tie and placed it around his head. He stopped laughing. "You're not laughing now, are you?" She whispered in his ear as he stood trying to feel his surroundings. Ashley grabbed the milk carton that Billie had placed on the side to prevent him form spilling any more when he was laughing and tipped it all down his body. He was shirtless. "Crap." He said. "That's cold."

"I know." Ashely stated as she moved the top away from her body to stop it sticking. "It's come out of the fridge. That's why." Ashely was trying not to laugh. "Can I take the blindfold off now?" He asked but Ashley didn't reply. "What are you doing?" He asked as he heard to grab something else. "Nothing." She stated before she placed her hand in the tub of honey that she was holding and smeared it all across his chest. "That's low blow." He told her.

"Serves you right." Ashley told him as she removed his blindfold and kissed him. "I'm sorry." He said as he took the honey from her and did the same. "You're such an idiot." Ashley told him again.

"I know." He smiled, kissing her. "You know what? I think I'll join you for that shower." Billie said as he chased Ashley upstairs.

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