73. Billie Joe Armstrong {Requested}

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*A/n* - This imagine was requested by LiSantos3

Hope you like it


Trigger Warning : Attempted Rape + Containing Smut 


Lizzie was out at the club with her friends as it was one their birthdays and although she was reluctant to go, she had given herself permission to go and have fun for a change. She thought that it would be good for her to have a night out instead of sitting at home with a tub of ice cream and watching something on Netflix whilst feeling sorry for herself.  However, at the club, this sounded like heaven to her. She was wearing a red dress and wore red lipstick to match. 

Lizzie and her friends all sat around their table, drinks in their hands laughing at old stories and every now and again toasting to something. "I'm so happy that you came tonight Lizzie." Her friend, the birthday girl, said to her as she took a sip of her drink. 

"I wasn't going to miss this, was I?" Lizzie replied, smiling and nudging her friend playfully. Her friend laughed before turning her attention to the bar. "Oh my god!" She said, excitedly looking back at Lizzie after a few minutes. "That guy at the bar keeps staring at you." Lizzie looked up from her friend to the bar and indeed, a man was staring at her and smiling. Lizzie smiled back before looking at her friend once more.  "Aren't you going to go up to him?" Her friend asked her. 

"No." Lizzie replied, picking up her drink. "Why would I?" 

"You never know, he might be the one." Her friend stated as Lizzie gave a small laugh, almost choking on her drink. 

"I doubt it." Lizzie told her. "Besides, he'll only want a quick fuck in the bathroom before going to the next girl." Her friend raised her eyebrows. 

"Suit yourself." She said, before she turned her attention back to the rest of the group. The group continued talking but the conversation took a weird turn to what they all got up to with their boyfriends, or even themselves, in the bedroom and Lizzie decided that she didn't want to be part of the conversation, so she stood up. "I'm going to the bathroom." She announced but she didn't expect them to listen to her, so she carried on walking towards the bathroom. To get there, she had to go across the dance floor, which was covered in sweaty bodies and they all dance with one another in very close proximity. Lizzie awkwardly shuffled past them before heading towards the ladies restroom, when someone grabbed her. As she turned around to see who it was, they lifted her up and carried her into the men's instead. Lizzie knew that there was no point in screaming, the place was too busy and too loud for anyone to hear her. 

She was thrown to the floor and when she looked up, it was the guy from the bar. "Hello beautiful." He snarled as he stood over her. He grabbed her by the arms once more and pulled her up from the cold floor and pushed her hard against the wall.  "Please don't hurt me." Lizzie begged and he ran his hands up and down her legs before they found there way up her dress and towards her entrance. This man's eyes were dark and he stank of alcohol; he was heavily intoxicated. "Get off of me!" Lizzie shouted as she closed her eyes and expected the worst. Within the next few seconds, she felt his grasp release from her arm before the sound of him falling to the floor. Lizzie opened her eyes to see this guy lying on the floor being stood over by this other man; he had saved Lizzie and had beat this man in the process. 

This man looked over at Lizzie and said: "Are you okay?" He asked her as she shook slightly. "Come on, let's get you out of here." He said, offering his hand. She took it, feeling safe around him. Lizzie wasn't bothered about her friends at this point, she would explain another time. Right now, she just wanted to get out of here. The man led Lizzie out of club, holding onto her all of the way. "I'll take you home." He stated. 

"You don't have to do that, honestly. I'll get a taxi or something. You've done enough for me, you saved me." Lizzie told him.

"I can't let you do that." He admitted. "It's dark and you've been through a lot."

 "I don't even know your name." Lizzie replied.

"I'm Billie." He told her. 

"How can I repay you Billie?" Lizzie asked. 

"You can repay me by letting me walk you home." He smiled, making Lizzie smiled. "Okay." She said, giving in as they walked down the street together. Along the way, Billie kept asking Lizzie if she was alright and if she was sure that she was alright before he gave her his jacket to keep her warm; She hadn't brought a jacket with her to the club; she hadn't brought anything for the fear of losing it. When they arrived at her house, Lizzie said: "This is me." She looked at Billie. "Do you want to come in for a drink?" She thought that it was the least that she could do seeing as he had saved her life and then walked her home. "Would it make you feel better if I did?" He asked, raising an eyebrow. Lizzie stopped for a moment before replying; "It would." She smiled at him before he followed her into her house. "Make yourself at home." She told him before getting the drinks and returning to the living room and sat next to him. 

Two or three drinks later they were making out on the sofa and the moment was growing more heated by the moment. Lizzie climbed on top of him and straddled him. He held her waist as he kissed her. Lizzie ran her hand through his hair. Lizzie moaned as he went from kissing her lips to her neck, sucking on the flesh. "I want you." Lizzie admitted to him as she felt her core getting wetter by the second. "Are you sure about this?" Billie asked. 

"Yes." She replied, almost immediately as she unzipped her dress and he helped her remove it; leaving her in her in her underwear. He flipped her over so that she was lying on the sofa as he removed her underwear. He moved his head down to her entrance and began by kissing her thighs, every kiss leading him closer to her entrance. "God..." She muttered when he arrived there. He tasted her and let his tongue explore her and her body trembled with pleasure. "I'm close..." She said, in barely a whisper but he heard her and stopped immediately. She sighed at the loss of contact but smiled as she watched him remove his clothes and marvelled at the tattoos that covered his body. Lizzie raised her eyebrows as she noticed the bulge in his boxers. Slowly, he pulled them down and placed himself at her entrance. Lizzie moved herself closer to him as he placed himself inside her. Billie waited a moment for her to adjust to him before he moved in and out of her, simultaneously kissing her. "Fuck." He muttered as he smiled at Lizzie as she lay beneath him. Within the next few minutes, Billie's pace got faster and they reached their ends; their moans echoing in unison. 

Billie collapsed on top of Lizzie's chest as she smiled. "Fuck indeed." 

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