9. Tré Cool

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(AN: (Y/S/N) - Your Sister's name.)

You, Your sister (Y/S/N) and her husband, Tré were all sat on the sofa in your family's cabin. Your sister, as usual, had, had way to much to drink and could hardly stand up. You and Tré picked her up from off of the floor and began carrying her to one of the many bedrooms.

You placed her in the bed as she began to take off her clothes. "Fuck me Tré!" she shouted, as you stood there awkwardly. Little did your sister know, you were madly in love with Tré. You had been since your sister first introduced you too him. So obviously, your sister asking the man you love -(Who is also her husband) - to fuck her senseless is kinda heartbreaking. So you walked away.

You walked back out into the living room of the cabin and after a few minutes Tré followed you in. He sat beside you as he poured more wine into your glass as you stared into the distance. "You okay (Y/N)?" He asked, anxiously.

You turned to him and smiled, "Yeah. I guess." You said, dimly. "Guess I just feel sad."

He smiled and shifted slightly, getting closer to you. He gave me a hug before you turned your head to stare into his gorgeous blue eyes. You leaned in to kiss him, his soft lips pressing firmly against yours. Upon realizing what was happening between the two of you, your eyes widened in shock as you quickly pulled away.

Your head glanced to the side awkwardly, blushing slightly. "I-I-I-" You stuttered as Tré grabbed the back of your head gently and pushed you lips back onto his. you moaned in his mouth and he ran his other hand through your hair and up your body. He stopped as you smiled at each other.
"What the hell?!" shouted your sister,who seemed almost sober (If that was even possible for her.) You quickly realized she standing in the doorway and had seen the whole thing.

Tré turned around and smiled before saying - "I married the wrong sister." He helped you up and pulled you towards the other bedroom as you sister screamed and walked out in anger.

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