98. Billie Joe Armstrong {Requested}

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*A/n* - This imagine was requested by MCRtrash86

Hope you enjoy it! 


It was one of the last songs of the evening that they were playing in front of the thousands of people that had been singing along to Green Day's lyrics all night. 

"I'm the son of rage and love. The Jesus of Suburbia. The bible of non of the above, on a steady diet of, soda pop and Ritalin. No one ever died for my sins in hell as far as I can tell. At least the ones that I got away with and there's nothing wrong with me this is how I'm supposed to be. In a land of make believe that don't believe in me."

As he aggressively strummed at the chords, he noticed an unpleasant scene unfold in the crowd. Two men were fighting. Well, one man was viciously attacking another man in the crowd; someone who was just having a good time. He was being thrown about the crowd, hit, kicked, and anything else that could be done to him. 

"I don't care if you don't. I don't care if you don't. I don't care if you don't care. I don't care! Everyone's so full of shit, born and raised by hypocrites. Hearts recycled but never saved, from the cradle to the grave. We are the kids of war and peace from Anaheim to the Middle East. We are the stories and disciples of the Jesus of suburbia."

The man was now on the floor, and he was starting to bleed. Yet still, the other man was showing him no mercy whatsoever. "Hey!" Billie shouted immediately stopping, when he noticed the scene grow uglier by the second. The song itself  as Mike, Tré, and the rest of the band stopped playing along with Billie.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?" Billie asked, throwing his guitar down on the stage. He gripped his microphone in one hand, and clenched his other hand into fist as he went to the edge of the stage. He leaned over slighting, as he confronted this man's attacker. "What gives you the right to come here, and beat the crap out of people?" The man looked up at Billie, not quite sure how to respond. He had no idea that Billie had watched what happened in the first. "You don't have the right, so get the fuck out!" He pointed at the door as the rest of the crowd cheered. 

"These concerts are supposed to be a safe place for everyone. We have to protect each other. In these shows no fighting is tolerated! We come here to have to good time!" He shouted, as the crowd screamed in agreement. Billie picked up his guitar, and began playing again, Mike, Tré, Jason, Jason, and Jeff immediately joined in with Billie. He looked at the man in the crowd, who smiled at him, and mouthed 'Thank you'. Billie smiled, and gave a small wink. 'We've got to protect each other' He told himself again, before he continued to sing. 

" I don't feel any shame, I wont apologise when there ain't nowhere you can go. Running away from pain when you've been victimised. Tales from another broken home. Oh you're leaving. You're leaving. You're leaving. Are you leaving home?"

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