24. Billie Joe Armstrong

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It had been a very long day and you had arrived home to your family. Billie Joe, your boyfriend and your baby boy, Joey.

"I'm home." You said as you locked the door behind you. 

"Hey babe." Said Billie, coming out of the kitchen.  

"Where's Joey?" You asked, looking around for your adorable newly born baby.

"He's with my mum for the night because, believe it or not, we need sleep." You both laughed before you saw lots of roses and rose petals scattered around the living room. 

"What's all this?" You asked turning to Billie, looking very confused.

"It's all for you baby." He said, wrapping his arms around your waist.  "Oh. and so is this." 

You turned around and saw Billie holding a  black box. As he opened it, he revealed a diamond ring and got down on one knee, taking your hand. 

"(Y/n). I love you so much. You're the love of my life and you have been since I first laid my eyes on you. You've given me a beautiful child but that's not enough. I want you to be my wife, I want to spend the rest of my life with you.  Will you marry me?"

Tears streamed from you eyes as you nodded, "Yes! Yes I will!" He placed the ring on your finger  and kissed you. "I love you so much." You said, smiling. 

"I love you too, Mrs Armstrong."

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