65. Whatsername

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"I'm going to call you Saint Jimmy." I told him as he smoked his joint. 

"Why Saint Jimmy? Believe me, I'm no angel." He told me. I let out a small laugh. None of here were angels. We were just fucked up kids that have nowhere else to go and no families to welcome us home and all because we choose to stick our necks out and be different. "It sounds more dramatic. It gives you a sense of power and purpose." I replied. 

"Why are you called Whatsername?" He asked me, as he looked at me in the low light of the fires that were burning in nearby trash cans. "My mum often forgot my name, so she called me Whatsername. I guess it stuck." I had never seen I'm before, so I guessed that he was new around here. "You're new." I said, stating my previous thoughts. "Yeah." He said as I offered him some of my vodka; he took the bottle out of my hand and took a swig of it before handing it back to me. 

"Are you an outcast too?" I asked him as he offered me a smoke of his joint. I took it before handing it him back and drinking some of my vodka. "You could say that." He said, looking around at the people surrounding us. "How come you're here? Don't you have a family to be with?" He laughed at my question. 

"My family don't care about me. They never have and they never will. My mum hates me and I hate my my step-dad. What a dick." I nodded in agreement. 

"People are bastards. They only ever let you down and they don't care about anyone or anything but themselves and their own happiness." I told him, taking a deep breathe before scoffing. "Parents. So pathetic, thinking that they're martyrs, believing that they are saving you. If anything, they're the only thing that are holding you underwater, waiting for you to drown." There was a moment of silence between us, the only sounds were people talking around us, the clicking of their lighters and the vodka swishing around in my bottle. 

"How did you end up here?" He asked me. 

"I ran away from home." I told him. "Decided one day that enough was enough, turned round to my family, said 'fuck this', stuck up my middle finger, got in my car and drove like mad. I felt like my whole life had been waiting for the moment where I could live that hell hole and live my life the way I want."

"Amen to that." He smiled. I looked at him and I knew in that moment that we'd be seeing a lot more of each other for the foreseeable future. "I like you Saint Jimmy. It's nice to be able to meet someone real in a sea full of fake people." I took another swig of Vodka before handing it to him for him to do the same. 



Hey! A Little treat for you guys! There's more coming soon!

Plus, a new chapter of 'The Denied Love' (My BJA fanfiction) coming tomorrow! 

Rage and Love x

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