77. Billie Joe Armstrong {Requested}

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*A/n* - This imagine was requested by LiSantos3

Hope you enjoy it 


Warning: Containing Smut


Ashley was at Mike's house, for their joint birthday party. Mike greeted her with Brittany as you walked in. "Hey Ashley!" He smiled as he and Brittany hugged her. "Happy birthday!" He renounced. Ashley looked around to see balloons and banners with the words 'Happy Birthday, Mike and Ashley!' written across them in big, and bold, writing. 

"You too!" She smiled, handing him a present. "Just a little something for you." 

"I've got yours upstairs." Brittany smiled. "Nice dress!" Ashley thanked before Mike pointed out Tré, Sara, Adrienne and Billie. Billie and Adrienne looked a little tense as they ignored each other and when they did speak, it seemed to be very angry. "Hey Ashley!" Sara smiled, pulling her into a hug. "Happy birthday." Ashley hugged her and Tré. "Your present is with the one from Brittany and Mike's." Tré told her.

"And mine." Billie rolled his eyes at Adrienne's remark. "Happy Birthday."  Adrienne added, smiling and hugging her. "I know about you and Billie." She whispered suddenly as she hugged her. Ashley looked at Billie over her shoulder, worriedly. He shook his head, telling her not to worry. The truth is that Ashley and Billie had been secretly seeing each other for some time. They had never planned for it to happen but when it did, it felt right. Billie and Ashley had planned to tell Adrienne at some point, but they agreed it wouldn't be tonight; looks like it wasn't like that anymore. Once Adrienne had hugged her, she walked away from the pair of them and went to talk to other people. Billie smiled at Ashley. "Happy Birthday." He smiled, kissing her before hugging her. "I've got your present saved for later." He told her, making her blush slightly and winking. He looked over her shoulder to see Brittany and Sara bringing out two cakes. Billie grabbed her hand walked her towards where Mike was stood and everyone else at the party was gathering round. Mike looked at Ashley and he was just as embarrassed as she was. "At least we're in this together." He smiled and Ashley agreed, laughing as Mike blushed

"Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday, Mike and Ashley! Happy Birthday to you!" Everyone in the room sang before Ashley and Mike blew out the candles on their cakes and everyone cheered.  Mike kissed Brittany and Billie pulled Ashley into a hug. As his head rested on her shoulder, he kissed her neck. By now they had been moved to a corner, as everyone else had gone into the middle of the room to dance and, in the process, had pushed them so the side, but they didn't mind. Ashley threw her hands around Billie's neck as every now and again he planted kisses on her lips. Eventually, Ashley locked eyes with Adrienne, who was approaching them. 

"Oh, here we go." Billie muttered as he noticed Adrienne. He never let go of Ashley as she stood next to him. 

"What are you playing at, Billie?" Adrienne asked, folding her arms. 

"What are you on about?" 

"Our agreement was that we wouldn't make it obvious that we were here with other people." Billie chest rose, he was tempted to call her a hypocrite. "Says you, who's over there with her hands all over that arsehole and has been for the whole night." Adrienne stuttered, but Billie added. "I even saw you and him go upstairs together! You tell me not to make it obvious."

"Look, Billie, there's no hard feelings.  I found someone else and so did you but -"

"Fine." Billie replied, interrupting her, not wanting to hear her speak anymore. 

"Thank you." She said, before walking back to the guy that she was snogging just moments before.  Billie smirked at Ashley and grabbed her hand. "Where are we going?" She asked him but the only reply that she got was a wink. "In here." He said, pulling her into an empty bathroom and locking the door behind them. "Billie." Ashley laughed as he pushed her up against the wall and began kissing her neck, whilst simultaneously lifting up her dress and rubbing in between her thighs. This sent shivers down her body. 

Before they knew it, most of their clothing had been removed and they were only the floor of the bathroom with Ashley back against the wall and Billie between her thighs. "Fuck." She muttered as he tongue began exploring her. All Ashley could do was grab hold of Billie, tug at his hair a little, push his head a little closer, and ultimately, hope not to moan too loudly. 

As Ashley's breathing got a little heavier, Billie slowed down the pace before eventually stopping altogether. "Why'd you stop?" She whimpered. 

"You were reaching your end." A smug smile was across his face, knowing that he'd pissed her off and how much she had wanted to come for him. "You're a fucking tease." Ashley told him as she bit her lip and he climbed on top of her. "I know." He admitted. "But you love me." 

"I really do." Ashley pulled him in a kiss as he position himself at her entrance. After making sure that she was ready and with Ashley begging him, he placed himself inside of her. A moan escaped his lips, followed by one from Ashley's as he moved in and out of her. "Yes..." She moaned, throwing her head back as she was now lay on the floor. "Harder." She demanded, sounding authoritative, making Billie smirk as it made him want her more. 

After pure pleasure, they both reached their ends which was signalled by loud moans from the pair of them. "Happy Birthday, baby." Billie smiled, kissing her forehead. 

"Was that my present?"

"Oh babe, believe me, there's plenty more where that came from." He winked. Ashley went to reply but was interrupted by the sound of someone banging on the door, waiting to use the  bathroom. 


*A/n* -

I have to stress that this is a request. I personally do not have anything against Adrienne or her marriage to Billie. In fact, I love them both very much and they are the epitome of true love. Also, Adrienne is so pretty and my idol and Billie is my hero and saved my life, so, I just want them to be happy! 

Either way, I hope that you enjoyed. 

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