103. Billie Joe Armstrong {Requested}

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*A/n* - This imagine was requested by JoeyMarvelDawson

Hope you enjoy!


Billie Joe had been away for the past few days. He was on a huge tour with his band, Green Day, for their new album and he was due back tomorrow. You been with for nearly five  years so you were very understanding about things like this and knew how much his work meant to him and didn't like to be that one person who stood in the way in the way of his career; his dreams. There was also the fact that he was good at what he did. He was really good, and it was his life. Music was what he was passionate at the most. 

Since he had been away you had managed to get some stuff done. Along with Billie, you were in a band, so you understood, so you knew how demanding it was sometimes, and that it probably one of the main reasons that you were so understanding. You had managed to respond to some emails, write some lyrics, and some melodies. You had been with Billie for most of the tour, but for various reasons had to come back home during the last few weeks of their tour. Of course, you wanted to be with Billie more than anything, but you just had to wait a little bit longer before you were in his arms again. 

It was 10:30 pm and you had just gotten in from the studio, and instead of looking over some lyrics, and chord sheets, you decided to head up to bed, and you'd look at them tomorrow. You were too tired, and lonely, right now to do anything else. Once you got to your bedroom, you looked at Billie's side of bed and remembered that you were lonely for one more night. You switched off the light and fell asleep as soon as your head hit the pillow; dreaming of seeing Billie again. 

Downstairs, Billie walked through the front door. He had hoped and expected to see you sat on the sofa working away into the early hours of the morning like you usually did, but you weren't there. He quickly realised that you must be in bed and shut the front door quietly as though not to alarm you. He  left his bags by the door before heading upstairs, excited to see you again. He opened the door to your bedroom, to see you sound asleep. He smiled, you always looked adorable when you slept. He went over to his side of the bed and got changed before climbing into bed alongside you. He wrapped his arm around your waist and whispered; "Night baby." He kissed the top of your head as you placed you head on his chest, still sound asleep.

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