117. Billie Joe Armstrong

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Billie sat next to (Y/n) on the sofa and wrapped his arm around her. She was in her final stage of pregnancy with their second child; they already has a daughter, (D/n).  (D/n) was almost three years old, and to say that she was an incredibly giddy and excitable child was definitely the understatement of the year. If anything, (D/n) was ecstatic at the idea that within a matter of weeks, she was going to be a big sister to a brand-new baby, even though she didn't really understand, she loved the idea of having some form of responsibility at such as young age.  

At this time, (D/n) was running around the living room, and jumping up and down excitedly as she told (Y/n) and Billie everything that she was going to do with her new sibling and everything she was going to teach them. "(D/n) sweetie? Just calm down a little bit." (Y/n) smiled as she cradled her baby bump, whilst looking lovingly at their daughter. As Billie looked at (Y/n), he just knew that she was thinking the same thing as him at that moment in time. 'How could someone so adorable and so small, be filled with so much energy?" They both watched as (D/n) continued to run around, getting dangerously close to the cups that we on the coffee table. "(D/n), be careful you don't knock anything off." Billie added to (Y/n)'s comment, moving the cups to where she couldn't knock them over. 

As they would both found out, it turns out he should have moved the picture frame with his and (Y/n)'s wedding photo in, because, after his effort to move everything off, that was what she knocked over. The photo fell onto the floor, and smashed; shards of glass going everywhere.  (D/n) stopped in her tracks, and looked at (Y/n) and Billie. She knew which photo had knocked over, as just like the two of them, it was her favourite photographs out of all of the ones that they had on display. She always claimed that (Y/n) looked like a princess in the photo with her beautiful dress; (Y/n) was a princess in Billie's eyes, and she was his forever; he loved her unconditionally. Billie ran over to (D/n) and the picture. "Careful of the glass, baby." He told (D/n), as he began picking it all up in his hands. (D/n)'s bottom lip began quivering. Billie picked her up in his arms and set her on his lap as he sat back down next to Keira. "What's wrong?" He asked, moving a strand of hair behind her tiny little ears.

"I broke it." She sobbed, rubbing her eyes.

"It's okay." (Y/n) said as she wiped (D/n)'s eyes. 

"It was an accident. You didn't mean it." Billie said to her. "We can replace it. You just got excited, didn't you?" (D/n) rubbed her eyes and nodded.

"I'm going to be a big sister." She told them, a smile back on her face.

"Yes, you are." Billie smiled, looking at (Y/n) as he placed his hand on her stomach. "And you are going to be the best big sister ever." 


*A/n*  - So, I originally wrote this for my fanfiction "Never Forget What I Lost" but I have taken that down as I wasn't able to update it as often I as I wanted. I still have everything that I wrote, so if you guys wanted me to put that back up I would, but I thought this little part from the story would make a cute imagine!

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