106. Billie Joe Armstrong {Requested}

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*A/n* - This imagine was requested by vivalabilliejoe

Thank you for the request + I hope that you enjoy this imagine. 


It was your anniversary with your boyfriend, Billie Joe, but he was away, working on his new album with his band, Green Day. Whilst he had been annoyed that he had to be away for your anniversary, you reassured him that it was fine, and that the two of you could just celebrate at another time; you were planning on heading out to see him within the next week, as you had time off work. You didn't want to stand in the way of his career, of his talent. 

Usually, you would have gone with him, but you were ultimately unable to as you had to stay at home for work.  He had tried to get permission to come home, and spend the day with you but the band's manager was persistent, and therefore he had to remain there. 

"(Y/n)! It's our anniversary! I can't leave you here on your own!" He had said to you, after telling you the bad news, and after you had told him not to worry about it.  "Babe. Go. I'll be fine." You had said to him as he kissed you. "We can always celebrate at another time."

"What did I do to deserve someone like you?" He asked, as he held you in his arms. 

You had decided to spend your anniversary sat on the sofa, watching Netflix, and eating ice cream. You deserved to enjoy your day, even if it wasn't with the person that you wanted to be with. Your phone chimed; it was Billie. Your answered it: "Happy Anniversary baby!"  You smiled as you heard his voice. "I miss you so much!" 

"I miss you too." You told him. 

"Did you get the flowers?" Billie asked. You looked around your house. 

"What flowers?" You asked him, smiling as you realised that he'd sent you flowers as a surprise, and just given it away. "Well, that's awkward." He laughed, as someone knocked on the door. 

"Hang on babe, someone's at the door." You said, standing up. 

"That's probably the flowers." He stated.

You approached the door, and opened it, only to find Billie stood there, holding a huge bunch of roses in his hand. "Told you it was the flowers." He smiled. 

 "Billie!" You said in surprise before throwing your arms around him and kissing him. "What are you doing here?" He laughed at you, kissing you back, leading you inside the house. "(Y/n). Did you really think I'd miss our anniversary?" He smiled that perfect smile that always made you feel weak at the knees; every goddamn time. All you could do was smile back at him, there were no words. Billie was too perfect for words to describe. "I can't believe you came back for our anniversary." You said, turning around, placing the roses that Billie had surprised you with in a vase. "There's also something else I wanted to do while I was out here." He said, you placing the vase down by the sink, until you found the perfect place to put it. "There's something I need to ask you." He said.

"What's that?" You asked turning back around to find Billie, on one knee, holding one of his hands out, with the other holding a ring. You took his hand as he said; "(Y/n), I have been in love with you since the day I met you, and with you, these have been the best years of my life, which is why it makes sense that I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I fall more in love with you everyday." He smiled and took a deep breath. "(Y/n)? Will you do me the honour of becoming my wife?"

"Yes!" You kissed him as he placed the ring on your finger. "Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes."

"That's a lot of yeses." Billie laughed. "I love you."

"I love you too."

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