15. Billie Joe Armstrong {Requested}

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(AN: Requested by aicasername.) 

You sat at the table watching your cousin and her husband sharing their first dance on the dance floor. You saw her glide across the dance floor smiling. Now you were never really the jealous type but you had always envied her. She was beautiful and now she was married. What did you have?

You sipped at your wine as you saw a man staring at you from the other side of the function room. He smiled at you. You looked down and looked back up to see him sat next to you. You coughed in shock. "Hello beautiful!"  He said, smiling. 

You giggled. "Hello." You noticed how handsome he was. You felt yourself blushing and tried to hide it.

"Don't hide it sweetheart." He smiled, "God you're beautiful." He said, cupping your face. 

"What's your name pretty eyes?" He said, his eyes glistening.

"(Y/n)" You said, smiling as you looked down. "And what's your name? Or am I going to have to call you Mystery Man?"

"Billie Joe." He said, winking. "Delighted to meet you (Y/n)." He winked again.

He looked down and saw you glass was empty.  "Another wine madam?" You smiled as he took your glass. You watched him walk - or maybe strut was the right word - Across to the bar where he graciously buys you another drink. He walks over not just carrying his drink and your drink but a rose.

"And a rose for a beautiful lady." He said, smiling. 

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