141. Billie Joe Armstrong {Requested}

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This imagine was requested by femaleXreaders

I hope you like it!


"I've seen you around." You felt someone tap on your shoulder. You turned around in your chair to face the boy who, just moments before, had taken the seat behind you. "I'm sorry?" You asked and he let out a small laugh. "I've seen you around the halls" He explained. "You're new right?" You nodded, tucking your hair behind your ear to reveal your earring. "When did you start here?"

"Last week," You replied, closing your textbooks. You had just finished your American History lesson but had spent a large part of the lesson doodling on the cuffs of your jacket sleeves in order to keep you from falling asleep. Your teacher, Mr Reid, was a nice enough man but had the kind of voice that could easily put you to sleep. You began packing your pencil case and notebook into your bag when the boy behind you spoke to you again. "How are you finding it?" He asked, shocking you with his genuineness. This was probably the longest conversation you'd had with someone in the entire week that you'd been here. Not even the senior that gave you a tour of the school on your first day was this chatty. 

"It's alright," You admitted, "I mean, ideally I'd rather not go to school at all," You laughed, which made the boy smile. In an attempt to prevent yourself from blushing in response to his smile, you looked away from his face, but carried on talking, "But it's better than my old school." You and the boy sat behind you both stood up in unison. You held your textbooks close to your chest as you both walked out of the classroom together. "Yeah, I hear ya." He said, scratching at the back of his head. "Have you made any friends yet?"

You gave a small laugh in reply. "Not really," You admitted, "I tend to keep myself to myself."

"Wanna have lunch with me?" He asked, and you looked at him, smiling. "Come on," He said, taking your hand in his. "I'll show a place where no-one else sits". He saw the look on your face and laughed. "I'm not a serial killer if that's what you're thinking."

"I don't even know your name," You pointed out, his hand still in yours. "You're still a mystery to me."

"Fair point," He nodded, holding out his free hand. "I'm Billie. Billie Joe Armstrong" You shook his hand. "I'm (Y/n). (Y/n) (Y/L/n)." Billie winced. "What?" You asked. 

"I'd rather call you 'New Girl'" You rolled your eyes but a smile was still plastered across your face. "I'm kidding. It's nice to meet you (Y/n). Billie took you to a secluded area, a few people were sitting on the grass near but it was incredibly peaceful. The two of you sat on the grass together. "So, do you come out here a lot?" 

"Yeah," Billie said, picking at a place of grass before throwing it into the distance. You watched as he picked up a daisy and smiled. "Sometimes, it's just nice to get away from it all for a bit." He looked at you; a smile was still plastered across his face. "Daisy?" He handed you the flower, and you bowed your head slightly in response. "Thank you, kind sir." 

He laughed. "So why did you leave your old school?" You looked down at the floor, remembering the hell you went through; the hell that caused your parents to transfer you to Oakland High. "Sorry, was that too personal?" 

"No, it's fine." You insisted, the daisy still in your hand. "I was bullied, quite badly."

"Oh god, I'm sorry." Billie shook his head. "Kids are dicks sometimes". 

"Please don't be sorry." You said. "I had to live to it. I wasn't going to back down because people didn't understand me or my condition?" Billie tilted his head to the side slightly. "Condition?"

"I have DiGeorge Syndrome," You explained, "It's a heart condition." You placed the daisy behind your ear and took a sip of your water. "It can affect my speech, and ability to learn."

"Wow, and they bullied you because of that." You nodded, remembering all the times you pretended to your mom that you were ill just to get out of going to school. "On the bright side, I have an unusual heartbeat, so that makes me feel special." Billie laughed as he watched you put your hand on your chest, to feel your heart beating inside your chest. "Can I hear it?" 

You couldn't help but hesitate for a moment. This was a boy that you had met a mere half an hour ago, you'd poured your soul out to him, and now he wanted to hear your heartbeat. Wow, times really do change. "Sure," You smiled, as you felt his head lower onto your chest. If he couldn't hear it before, he could definitely hear it now. There was silence between the two of you before he sat up and smiled at you. "It's beautiful." He admitted. "You're beautiful."

For the first time in your life, you felt your heart truly skip a beat. 

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