5. Mike Dirnt

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Your boyfriend Mike, threw you down on the bed as he began to undo his trousers. You giggled as you took off his shirt and ran your hands up and down his chest.  You bit your lips as he helped you to take off your clothes.

Within minutes of being in the bedroom, you were already in 'pleasurable paradise'. Mike began kissing down your body, finally reaching between your legs. He quickly stuck his tongue in your entrance, moving it around, making shivers run along your spine. 

You moaned in delight as he delicately kissed your clit. He kissed it slowly before getting faster and faster. You moaned even louder.

He stopped as he moved up and  kissed your neck, pulling at the skin as he did so - leaving hickeys all down your neck. You ran your hands through his hair, pushing his head down harder onto your neck. Now, the hickeys were bigger and redder than the others. 

You were so in the zone that you didn't realize that his dick was moving closer to your wet entrance. Suddenly, without warning - he was inside you. You gasped sharply into his ear. A tear ran down your cheek from the sudden pain. Mike looked up and wiped away the tear. "Do you want me to stop baby?" He said, concerned in case he was hurting you. You shook your head. "No." You said, smiling. "I need you Mikey..." 

"Well you've got me." He said as he began thrusting harder and harder. As he was doing this, you realized it was your turn to help Mike feel the pleasure that he had given you. You began kissing his neck and left a few love bites yourself.  He laughed, enjoying the pleasurable feeling you giving him. 

You felt yourself growing closer and closer to reaching the end of your tether. "A-H-H! Mike! I'm going to-- A-H-H!" You moaned as you released all over him and the bed. He then did the same to you, before the two of you collapsed in a sweaty heap on the bed. "Wow!" You said, smiling "That was amazing!"

"I'm ready for round 2!" Said Mike, laughing as he kissed the top of your head. You giggled, kissing him hard on the lips once more. 

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