43. Tré Cool

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(Y/n)'s P.O.V:

I was heartbroken. I have been for the past two weeks.  The love of my life, the only person I've ever loved broke up with me after 3 years of dating. I'm still in shock. Tré was all I really had ad now I've been left with no-one. 

I cry every time I see a photo of us together and whenever anyone mentions his name. It's so hard. It's even more awkward as I'm probably going to have to find a new job as I am Tré's assistant on tour. Maybe the manager has another Job I can do because I love what I do and I get to spend time with my two best friends, Adrienne and Brittany whilst I do my job. 

Adrienne said "I'll get Billie to talk to him, he'll bring him around." Her voice was confident. "So he didn't give you an explanation?"

"No." I sobbed, into a tissue. "He just walked out." 

This memory is painful to remember, the love of my life, walking out and not returning. I stood up, wanting to distract myself from the pain. I picked up the tissues from the coffee table to dispose any evidence that I'd been crying and placed them in the bin. I cleaned the counters in the kitchen and dusted the sideboards in the hallway and swept the floor. Again, trying to distract myself from the pain I was feeling. 

Someone knocked on the door. I suspected it would be Adrienne or my parents as they said they'd drop in to check on me. "Hey-" I stopped myself from finishing my sentence as I felt the earth swallow me up and take every inch of breath I had out of my body. "Tré." I swallowed. "What are you doing here?" I asked, trying to hide the fact that I was secretively pleased to see him and just wanted to kiss him. Hard. 

"Can I come in?" He asked. "We need to talk." 

I agreed, letting him back into the our home, the home that we were going to raise a family in. 

"(Y/n). I-I'm so sorry. What I did was completely out of order and I wouldn't blame you if you never forgave me." He said. 

"Tré--" I began before he stopped me. 

"No (Y/n). I love you and I want to be with you." He looked around. "I don't want anything or anyone else. Only you. The other week I was doubting myself and I shouldn't have taken it out on you. I'm so sorry." He edged closer to me as I released my arms from being folded against chest chest.  "I love you." 

I couldn't help myself as I leaned forward and kissed him. "I love you too." A tear ran down my face but he wiped it away as he pulled me up against his chest.  

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