131. Billie Joe Armstrong {Requested}

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*A/n* - This imagine was requested by Damnthatjunkie

* I am going to place a trigger warning here, so if you start to feel uncomfortable or anything - stop reading. DMs are ALWAYS open if you need someone to chat to x*


**Male Readers**


"Hey." The door to (Y/n)'s apartment opened and his boyfriend, Billie walked in. He smiled as he saw (Y/n) sat in the corner, rocking slowly back and forth next to the record player. Nirvana was playing but (Y/n) was dazed out of his fucking mind. "Hey, you okay?"Billie asked, placing his jacket down on the couch. (Y/n) heard him but couldn't muster up a reply. This strange yet familiar feeling of numbness shot through him and it was overwhelming; (Y/n) remained to stare out of the window at the night sky. (Y/n) felt Billie sit down beside him and immediately noticed how glazed over (Y/n)'s eyes were. The feeling of Billie's hand on his back seemed to bring (Y/n) back into the real world. "Hey." He quietly responded, not directly looking at Billie. 

"Look at me, (Y/n)," Billie said as he sat in front of (Y/n) before he finally managed to make eye contact with him. Billie didn't say anything, he just looked at the emotion in (Y/n)'s eyes, knowing the look that was on his face all too well. "What's going on?" Billie asked, running his hand gently through (Y/n)'s hair. Before (Y/n) could reply to his question, he noticed the bottle of pills that sat next to (Y/n). "Did it happen again?" He asked, tears filling his eyes. 

All (Y/n) could do was nod his reply, but Billie immediately kissed (Y/n)'s forehead before he pulled (Y/n) into his arms. (Y/n) cried, a sense of relief flooding over him, knowing that Billie was there to pull him out of this. He could feel Billie trying to stifle his cries as (Y/n) apologised.

"I'm sorry." He muttered, burying his face in Billie's chest. "I don't know if I can take it anymore." He admitted, tears streaming down his face. "There's so much pain and then when there's not pain, I'm just so numb and it's so scary."

"I know." Billie said, cradling him in his arms. "I know, but we'll get through this no matter what because that's what we do." He explained. "I love you (Y/n). I'm always going to be here for you."

"I love you too Billie." (Y/n) replied as the two remained in each other's arms, each of them wondering where the hell they would be without each other.

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