76. Billie Joe Armstrong {Requested}

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*A/n* - This imagine was requested by daylorgrohlkins

Hope you enjoy it!


(Y/n)'s childhood definitely hadn't been an easy one. Her parents spilt up when she was fairly young and so she lived with the mother for a large majority of the time, only really seeing her dad one day a week or sometimes at the weekend, every couple of months, when she went to stay with him. Her parent's were far from perfect and (Y/n) had gone through the majority of her life, thinking that she wasn't worth anything, and always putting herself down. She did this because it's what her mother did to her for most of her life. She always told (Y/n) that she wasn't good enough and that she was the reason her father wasn't living with them anymore. The emotional abuse got so bad that it left (Y/n) scarred for life; literally and figuratively. (Y/n) felt as though there was no-one that she could trust; no-one except Billie Joe, who turned out to be the only true friend in her life and she just had to make sure that she didn't screw it up or push him away. He was always there for her when she needed him and often offered his house as a refuge for her when it was required. 

Eventually, their friendship turned into something so much more.

One day, after years of emotional abuse and torment, (Y/n) decided that enough was enough, pack up her things, and made the decision to move in with her father. She was 14 at this time and she still had her whole life ahead of her. Her mother hadn't even noticed that she had gone. She lived with her dad for about two years but spent a lot of her time at Billie's house as it was the only place she felt accepted and like she truly belonged. Her dad tried his best but in the end he gave up with the idea of being a father, so at the age of 16, she finally accepted Billie's request as she moved into the Armstrong house. Everything in her life began falling into place. 

Two years later:

Billie and (Y/n) now lived in their own place, they moved out after Billie's band made it big. "Oh my god." (Y/n) said from the bathroom as Billie stood outside and waited patiently. "What is it?" He asked, followed by a few moments silence before the bathroom door opened an (Y/n) stood in front of him with a pregnancy test in her hand. "I'm pregnant." She stated. The both of them took a few moments to take this information in before Billie wrapped his arms around her and kissed her. "This is amazing news!" He told her as he saw the worried look on her face. 

"I'm going to have to tell my dad." She winced nervously. She was going to see him today, agreeing to every month. "It'll be fine." Billie tried to reassure her. Her phone buzzed in her pocket. "Hopefully, that's him, cancelling today." (Y/n) hoped but as she looked at her phone, her face dropped. "It's my mother."

"Your mother??" He asked, shocked. "What does she want?"

"She knows that I'm meeting my dad today and wonders if we could meet next week." (Y/n) told him. "She wants to see me, and apparently, put things right."

"Are you going to see her?" He asked. 

"I guess I have no choice." (Y/n) said. 

Later that day

Billie pulled up outside of her father's house. "I'll be right out here if you need me, okay?" He told her. 

"Hey sweetheart." He smiled, looking at her. 

"Hey dad." She smiled as he allowed her to sit. "I can't stay long." She admitted, though she seemed to say this every time that she was with him. The time that she spent with him was mainly her trying to bring into the conversation the fact that she was pregnant. She knew that out of her mother and her father, it would be her father that was the most understanding about it. Towards the end, her father said; "Are you alright? You seem a little off." 

"There's something I need to tell you." (Y/n) blurted. "I'm pregnant." 

Her father looked at her. "I wasn't expecting you to say that." He said; "Are you happy?"


"Then so am I." Her father admitted. "Look, it's not, ideal, but it'll be okay. I'll help in anyway that I can." For the first time in a long time, (Y/n) felt accepted and loved by her father but she knew that it wouldn't be the same with her mother. 

A week later 

"A baby?" Her mother asked and (Y/n) agreed, ensuring that her mother had heard her correctly. "Yes, I'm pregnant." She repeated herself.

"Does your father know?" 

"Yes, he was a little bit shocked but he offered to help in any way that he could."

"He's a fool then." Her mother replied and catching (Y/n) off guard. "You can't have a baby!" Her mother said, a shocked expression across her face.  "You don't know how to be a mother."

"I know more than you." (Y/n) stated.

"Excuse me?" 

"Do not sit there and tell me how to be a mother, when you couldn't even be one. I am going to love this child more than you could imagine. I' going to do everything that you didn't do for me." (Y/n) stood up and began walking towards that door. 

Where are you going?" Her mother demanded, grabbing her arm. "Stay here!" She shouted. 

"I'm leaving." She replied. "Call me when you decide you want to be my mother." (Y/n) said, opening the door and heading down to the car where Billie was waiting. "Let's go." She said, as Billie started the car and they drove away. 

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