107. Billie Joe Armstrong {Requested}

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*A/n* - This imagine was requested by LiSantos3

Hope you enjoy it! 


Warning: Containing Smut


Billie pulled up outside of the house, and for the first time in 2 months, you felt at home, and you hadn't even walked through the door yet. You had been away from home, and from Billie for these last couple of months whilst you had been getting yourself and your life sorted for good. You had been in treatment for a bunch of issues. Whilst it was an incredibly hard decision for you to make, you knew that it was the right one, not just for you, but for Billie and your family. Life had never been easy for you, which why you had ended up in treatment in the first place, but now you were the best that you had ever been, and you were ready to truly start living your life. "Are you ready to see the place?" Billie asked you as he took the keys out of the car, completely stopping the engine. 

"So ready." You smiled. Whilst you had been in treatment, Billie had been redecorating the house that the two of you had bought; Billie wanted it to be perfect for when you got back. You opened the car door in unison with Billie. He came round the side of it to meet you, and took your hand in his as he led you up the pathway and to the front door. He fumbled with the keys in the lock before the front door swung open to reveal the house. You looked around in awe. "Billie! This is amazing!" You exclaimed, throwing your arms around his neck and kissing him. "You've done such an amazing job." 

"Well, I couldn't have done it without my mother." He pointed in another direction, making you turn around, and exclaim in excitement when you saw Billie's mother, Ollie standing there. "It's so good to see you!" She said, hugging you tightly. "You look amazing." You had worried for the longest time that if Ollie knew that truth about your issues, or with you going into treatment, she would have an objection to you dating her son, but being the amazing woman that she was, she supported you, and your relationship, fully. 

"I'm going to take this upstairs." Billie said. "Make yourself at home." He winked. You sat with Ollie whilst Billie took your stuff to your bedroom, and Ollie reminded you several more times how good you looked. "Thank for everything Ollie." You said, pulling her into a hug, and trying not to get too emotional. "I wouldn't have gotten through it if it weren't for you and Billie." 

"Anytime. You know that I think the world of you." Not long after, Ollie had to leave, so you thanked her once more before letting her get on her way. "There's a surprise for you upstairs." Billie said. "You enjoy that, whilst I make you dinner." He headed into the kitchen, leaving you to explore the rest of the house to find your surprise. When you got to the master bedroom, Billie had left a bunch of roses for you on the bed, and had left a trail of rose petals along the floor, leading to the en-suite, where he had run you a bath. You smiled, immediately allowing yourself to jump into it, and truly feel at home. 

When you had finished in your bath, you got out, and got changed before following the smell of freshly cooked food to find Billie dishing it up onto the plate. "Just in time." He smiled, handing you a plate and leading you to the sofa where the new series of Doctor Who, with Jodie Whittaker, was waiting to be watched. "Have you seen any of this?" You asked him, sitting down as he grabbed the remote. "No, I was waiting for you." He admitted. "I admit I thought about it." You laughed as he pressed play. 

After dinner, and quite a few Doctor Who episodes later, you and Billie were making out of the sofa.  You pulled away from the kiss, and Billie asked if you were okay. You studied him. "I've missed you so much." You said, moving  strand of hair out of his face. "I want you so much." He kissed your neck, before lifting you up, and throwing you over his shoulder. "I'm so glad you said that." He smiled, taking you up the stairs. He threw you down on the bed, and climbed on top of you. 

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