68. Billie Joe Armstrong {Requested}

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*A/n* - This imagine was requested by HikariNoShizuku

Hope you enjoy 


(Y/n) slammed her bedroom door behind her and she collapsed onto her bed crying. Today had pushed her over the edge. She tried so hard to be accepted for who she was and to avoid judgement but clearly it was harder than she had anticipated. "Fuck! Fuck!" She shouted, throwing a pillow at the wall, and tears were streaming down her face. "Careful!" Someone said, making her jump. "Your language is disgraceful, plus you also hit me and ruined my hair." The man that spoke was stood in front of the mirror, checking his hair. 

"Who the hell are you?" (Y/n) questioned. "Where did you come from and how did you get into my bedroom? Into my house?"

 "I'm Billie. I'm from Hell, literally,  and I just sort of appeared here." He said. "I would explain but it's complicated and the last time I tried, the guy passed out, so..." He stopped before saying; "Nice room." He added as he looked at (Y/n) and her tear stained face. 

"Okay, let me ask you this. Why are you here?" (Y/n) asked him. 

"I'm here to help you." He admitted, sitting on your bed. "Look, I was made aware of your situation at High School." He grimaced at the words 'High School'. "and I wanted to help."

"My situation?" 

"Yeah. Look you're one of the good ones, okay, and when you eventually die, you'll end up becoming one of those guardian angels. Anyway, I was sent to help you and give you hope, maybe even stop you from doing something that you might regret. People need you and people value you. Those people, the ones that give you a hard time, they're dicks and you're perfect just the way that you are and you shouldn't let anyone try to change you."

"So, you're like the genie in Aladdin?"  You asked him, without even thinking. 

"Excuse me?" He raised his eyebrows.

"Well, you're like the Genie, you turn up when someone needs you, expect he came out of the lamp and you came out of - Where did you come from?" 

"Hell. I came from hell." He answered. 

"You're also a little bit like Drop Dead Fred." You nodded. 

"English woman! Speak English!" He replied, holding his hands to his head. "You're confusing me. Who the hell is Fred?"

"He turned up when this little girl needed him, he was her imaginary friend and then when she was older and getting divorce he turned so she was less alone." You said. "Have you really never seen it?"

"I'm not a fan of pop culture." He stated. There was silence between him and (Y/n) as they found each other looking in each other's eyes. Billie raised his hand to wipe away the mascara stains from her face. "Wait, I'm a demon. I'm basically evil. Are you not scared or anything?" He asked (Y/n), his eyes were wide. "No, not really." She admitted, still staring at her eyes "Not much scares, or surprises me anymore. Besides, for a demon, you are not that bad." 

"Well, thank you." Billie said. "You know, I used to be awful."

"What changed?" 

"This job. I thought I had a crappy life but with this you always see someone who has it worse and it makes you determined to help someone, especially if you're aware of the way they are feeling." (Y/n) felt touched by his words.

They spent the next few weeks together. It had been his mission to make (Y/n) realise how valuable her life was and how valued she was as a person. They became closer than (Y/n) had ever been with anyone. They had laughed and they had cried together and both knew that they were going to be devastated when the time came for them to say goodbye to one another. He had made her feel whole and loved, more than she had ever been in her life. They were sat together in her room when Billie said; "It'll be time soon." (Y/n) looked at him, tears filling her eyes. "But I want you to stay." He leaned in and kissed her, taking her by surprise. Before (Y/n) could say anything, her mother walked through the door and into her bedroom. "(Y/n). I'm going out." She saw Billie. "Oh, I'm sorry. (Y/n). Who's your friend?"

"This is Billie. We go to school together." He looked at (Y/n) offended. "He got held back." Her mother smiled. "Okay, well don't work too hard." She said as she left. 

"Held back, really?" He asked. "I'm flattered that I look that young."

"You look about 20." (Y/n) laughed. 

"Mind if I pick up where we left off?" He asked. (Y/n) leaned in and kissed him again; it was as though these last few weeks had been leading up to this moment. Billie lay (Y/n) down on the bed and climbed on top of her. (Y/n)'s fingers ran through Billie's hair as he kissed her neck. "Fuck." He said, looking at (Y/n). "Are we really doing this?" He asked, hopefully. 

"If that's what you want." (Y/n) replied. "I know I do."

"God, yes." He said, removing his t-shirt. 

"Billie...." (Y/n) whispered as his hands were ran all over her body and his lips pressed themselves firmly against hers. (Y/n) ran her fingers along his chest, feeling the body that he hid underneath the black shirt that he always wore. The pair of them stopped for a second and gazed into each other's eyes. His were piercing blue and they saw how (Y/n) was craving for him to make love to her; the way that she had wanted him to do for the past couple of weeks. Seeing (Y/n) weak for him made Billie smile.  (Y/n)'s legs wrapped around his waist and she smiled as he began to kiss her neck. She bit her lip as she felt his teeth digging into the flesh. 

 "I want you." He told her as things quickly heated up. The clothes that they were wearing soon ended up on the other side of the room and the two of them were underneath the covers of her bed. 

As (Y/n) lay there, beneath him, he ran his hands along her legs, and in between her thighs. He was teasing her. "Billie, I want you." She told him as he placed his hands in hers and placed himself at her entrance.

"Yes." (Y/n) moaned as felt him slip inside of her as you gasped and he placed his head in the crook of your neck. He kissed along your collarbone as he slowly moved himself in and out of you, every movement, every touch left you begging for more.

Every movement became faster and harder and left moans of pleasure escaping from (Y/n)'s and Billie's mouths in unison. He grabbed hold of (Y/n)'s leg with hand and her back with the other and brought her body closer to his. His fingers ran through her hair as (Y/n) moved beneath him to try and create even more friction and pleasure. She kissed his bare chest as he did so. 

"My god..." She muttered as excitement coursed through your body. His eyes were filled with lust. You were near the end and so was he, you could tell by the look that was forming across his face. Within the next couple of minutes, they  both reached their ends and Billie collapsed onto the bed. His legs were still on top of you, but his chest and head had fallen beside you in your bed before you head rested on him. He held you in your arms and you fell asleep. 

When you woke up, you were alone. Billie was gone but he had left a note on the pillow where he had had rested. You wrapped the sheets around your body ans read the note: 


I didn't want to wake you but I also didn't want you to see me such an emotional state. You made me human and you made me feel things that i never thought that I would feel. I never got to admit my feelings for you. (Y/n), I love you and I wish I were human so that we could be together. Stay strong and remember that I'll always be with you. 


You placed the note down and cried into your pillow.

2 weeks later:

(Y/n) arrived home to an empty house; her mother was working late so (Y/n) was going to have to make herself dinner again but first she decided to do some homework first. After all, she had exams soon. She grabbed herself a drink and headed upstairs. When she opened the door, she saw Billie sat on her bed. "Billie" She said as he pulled her into his arms. "What are you doing here?" 

"I've been relieved of my duties." He stated as he kissed you. "They finally made me human. I have a shot of living a normal life." He smiled. 

"That's amazing." He looked at you.

 "I never got to tell you personally how much I love you." He said. "Now I finally have a chance. I love you (Y/n)."

"I love you too Billie." 

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