111. Mike Dirnt {Requested}

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*A/n* - This imagine was requested by Friends_Of_The_Damned

I hope that you enjoy this imagine!


Mike's P.O.V:

I watched from the side of the stage as they went on; they had been opening for us on our tour for the past few weeks, and myself, Billie, and Tre were happy to have them opening for us for the rest of the tour. My eyes were fixed on one member in particular; (Y/n). 

(Y/n) was the lead singer of the band, and the most beautiful woman that I had ever seen in my life. I tried to hide any feelings that were beginning surface for (Y/n), and just try to focus on what I was there to do; play music with my two best friends. However, my admiration for (Y/n), had not gone unnoticed by Billie. "Who are you staring at?" He asked, as he crept behind me as I watched from the side of stage. "Jesus, Billie." I said, startled. 

"Sorry." He laughed. "So, who are you staring at?"

"Nobody." I said, rather defensively. Billie stared at me, and rolled his eyes. 

"Come on." He told me. "It's obvious that you like her."

"Like who?" I replied, innocently, but I knew that I had already lost this one. Billie knew me better than anyone else. "(Y/n)." He said. "Why don't you just ask her out for a drink?"

"Ask her out for a drink?" I spluttered. "Are you mad? I can't do that."

"Why not?" Billie asked, trying to think of a reason why it would be a bad idea. "It's a good idea." He added, after a few moments. 

"No, it's not." I looked back at her on stage, as she sang her heart out; the crowd going wild. "What if, she says no? Then I'll look like an idiot, and then it's going to be awkward for the rest of the tour."

"It won't be awkward." Billie smiled. "Trust me on this one." He smiled, before he walked away. I turned my attention back to the stage. "And now, it's time for God's Favourite Band to play!" The crowd went wild as (Y/n) introduced us. She looked at me and smiled, before her, and her band members ran off stage. (Y/n) placed her hand on my arm, and smiled. "Go get 'em." She said, but as she went to walk away, I stopped her.

"Hey, (Y/n)?" I asked.  "Do you want to go for a drink? Just me and you?"

"I'd love that." We smiled at one another, before I followed Billie and Tre on the stage with a huge smile plastered across my face. 

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