125. Tre Cool {Requested}

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*A/n* This imagine was requested by 

Thanks for the request + I hope you enjoy it. I am so sorry that it has taken me so long to get it published. 


"Tre. I need to talk to you." You said, sitting next to him. "It's important." You added, messing around with your hands because you were nervous. "Whoa, (Y/n)." He smiled, holding his hands up and laughing. "I know I'm attractive but we can't sleep together. I feel that it would only ruin our friendship."

You shook your head, smiling at Tre's comment. "No, that's not it."

"Sorry." He smiled, "What was it you wanted to tell me?" He was no given you his undivided attention. "You've known for a while that I have been struggling with my identity but I wanted you to be the first to know." You stopped and looked at him. You had no idea why you were nervous; if you could talk to anyone, it was Tre. "Tre, I'm non-binary." 

Tre took a moment to take this in and smiled, pulling you into a hug. "I love you no matter you know that." The door opened and Billie and Mike walked in. "Hey, it's (Y/n)!" Billie smiled. 

"How are you, (Y/n)?" Mike asked. You went to speak but Tre answered for you. 

"(Y/n) is fine. In fact, they are great." You looked at Tre and smiled. It meant the world that he accepted you for you. 

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