#142 - Mike Dirnt

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You slammed the door behind you, incredibly frustrated, only for it to be opened again a few seconds later by your boyfriend, Mike. "Babe, you need to calm the fuck down." He said, out of breath from running after you. He was clutching at his ribs. "Jesus, I need to cut down on the weed."

"No shit" You muttered, pouring yourself a large glass and began sipping it with your back turned to him out of fear that if you looked at him, you'd end up throwing your glass at him. "What's that supposed to mean?" He replied, suddenly defensive. 

"Nothing." You snapped, not in the mood to get into the argument that you both knew was brewing. "Clearly something's bothering you because you're acting like a bit of a bitch." No, you were definitely going to have an argument now. You slammed your hand down on the countertop and turned round to face him. "Excuse me?" You asked, folding your arms. "Did you just call me a bitch?"

"I said that you were acting like a bitch." Mike clarified, and you couldn't help but laugh at him. How dare he say that you're a bitch after the way he acted this evening. "Why are you laughing?" He asked, pulling a joint out of his pocket and lighting it. 

"You're a fucking embarrassment, Mike." He looked taken aback by your statement. "My entire family were at that dinner and you were a complete arsehole!"

"I think you'll find I was delighted with your family."

"You got up in the middle of dinner to announce that you were desperate for a joint! In front of my grandparents, Mike." He shrugged and implied that he was honest during the entirety of his dinner and that honesty was the most redeeming quality in a relationship. 

"Oh fuck off, Mike." You said, sitting down and beginning to cry. "My dad was right about you. He was right about us." Mike looked up at you, removing the joint from in between his lips.  A worried look had been painted across his face. "What are you talking about, (Y/n)?"

"We don't work, Mike." Your heart shattered inside your chest. "This, us, just isn't working anymore." Mike got onto his knees, begging you to stay with him and give him another chance but your mind had already been made up. "I'm sorry, Mike."

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