58. Mike Dirnt

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(B/G) - Baby's Gender    (B/n) - Baby's name.   

(Mike's P.O.V):

"Keep going baby! You're doing amazing!" I said, encouragingly, as I held my wife (Y/n)'s hand. We were now so close to having our baby and she was doing an amazing job, no matter how pain she was in. 

"I can't." She said, crying. "I can't do it." She held onto my hand just a little tighter but I didn't mind. I'd do anything if it meant that she didn't have to be in anymore pain. 

"Yes you can." I said, kissing her head. "You can do this, I believe in you." I smiled as she took a deep breath in and carried on pushing. 

"(Y/n)! You're nearly there just a few more." Said the midwife. (Y/n) screamed and it felt like my heart was breaking, it killed me to see her in pain, knowing that there was nothing I could do to stop it. 

Finally there was one last push and a moment of silence before a baby began crying. Me and (Y/n) both sighed in relief. It was over and now your were both parents. "Congratulations! It's a (B/G)!"  I kissed (Y/n) again before the Midwife gave her our baby. I stood over (Y/n)'s shoulder admiring our child. 

"I'm so proud of you." I smiled. "What are we going to call our marvelous creation?"

"(B/n)." She said. "(B/n) Pritchard." I smiled. 

"I love you (Y/n)."

"I love you too Mikey." We both sat for hours, admiring our newborn. 

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