93. Tré Cool

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*A/n* - Sorry in advance to everyone that loves Tré 😢😢


Tré had been on tour for the past week now but unfortunately, you had to stay behind to work so you were unable to be there for the start of Green Day's big tour. However, you had arranged a surprise for Tré with Billie and Mike just before they left for their tour. You explained that you had told Tré that you had to work for the next three weeks, when in actual fact, you'd be able to join them a week into their tour. 

You left your house and got into a car that had been sent for you. Apparently, the plan was that you were going to meet someone in the lobby of the hotel, before heading up the room where Tré was and surprise him. By the time that you'd get there, you'd have missed the show but you always had the next day and the day after that to watch Tré did what he did best. 

You spent the entire car journey imagining the look on Tré's face as he opened the door to see you standing there when he thought that he wouldn't be seeing you for at least another week. When you arrived at the hotel they were staying at, the driver helped you to collect your stuff from the car before you headed into the lobby. You looked around before spotting Billie and Adrienne sat at the bar together. Adrienne waved you over as she and Billie greeted you. "Hey guys." You said, desperate to see Tré again. "He's in Room 40." Billie told you before you bayed the two of them goodbye and headed upstairs; your body was filled with excitement. After about 10 minutes 

"Can I help you?" Asked the woman that stood in front of you; she was wearing a short dress and stood with her arms crossed. "Who are you?" Was all you could say and within seconds you heard: "(Y/n)?" Come from inside the room as Tré came to the door shirtless. You looked between the two of them as Tré looked flustered. "I-I-It's not what it looks like, I swear." He stuttered as you turned to walk away. "Oh really?" Tears streamed down you face as walked away from the room and back towards the lobby; Tré followed you all the way. He was still shirtless. 

When you reached the lobby, you couldn't control the tears and so you just let them flow.              "(Y/n)!" Tré shouted as he grabbed your arm. 

"Don't touch me." You replied, as you removed your arm from his grasp. Billie and Adrienne came over to see what was happening. "I swear, it's not what you think." Tré said. By now everyone was looking at the two of you; probably because you were both shouting and he was shirtless. "So, your telling me you weren't going to sleep with that beautiful women that opened the door?"

Tré didn't reply, he merely stuttered as he looked for an excuse. "You're not denying it." You stated as Adrienne wrapped her arm around you. "Billie! Help me out man." Tré begged as You and Adrienne looked towards Billie. "Look, your my best friend but why would you do that to (Y/n)? Why would you throw everything away like that?" 

"Babe, I'm sorry." Tré told you. 

"No, I'm sorry." You replied. "I'm done." Adrienne told you to come over and have a drink as you left Tré, half naked, in the lobby of the hotel.


*A/n* - 

I don't know if I like this, but hey, they say write what you know about. 

Hope your all doing okay.

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