45. Mike Dirnt

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"Do you remember the first time we met?" Mike asked, sitting next to you.

"Are you okay?" You asked suddenly.

"Yeah why." Mike laughed at you.

"Well.." You began. "You just randomly started talking about when we first met." You stopped and looked at him. "Have you been having nightmares again?" You laughed.

"No. I was just thinking about it the other day." He held your hand. "Do you remember it?"

You placed your book down. "I do." You smiled at him.

"Wow." He smirked. "Don't bore me with the details." I laughed at him. I remember thinking that he was funny when we first met.

"I was sat in a restaurant, bored as hell because me friend bailed on our lunch date to have sex in the restaurant's bathroom with the guy she met at the bar and you came over and began talking to me."

He clapped. "Correct!"

I looked at him. "Can I have my gold star now?" He laughed.

You paused for a moment before looking at him again. "What did you think of me? Why did you come over to talk to me." You realized that you'd never asked him this before and now you were on the subject you were intrigued to know.

"I though you were beautiful and I hated the fact that you looked so lonely. A beautiful woman doesn't deserve to be sat by herself, almost crying into her gin and tonic." He smiled. "What did you think of me?"

I laughed. "I thought you were funny and handsome and I was so glad when you came and sat next to me as I saw you across the restaurant and had been thinking about you."

"Really?" He asked, hopefully.

"Yep." I smiled as he kissed my hand. He stood up and patted my knee. "Get ready." He said, before heading out of the room.


"We're going back to the restaurant for dinner." He winked and left the room.

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