52. Mike Dirnt

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(Y/n)'s P.O.V:

I sat in the back of my math class, doodling on the piece of paper in front of me as i'm not interested in the lesson; not at the moment. 

My mind kept going back to one particular person who was sat a few seats in front of me. Mike. He was known as the class clown but I thought there was something more to him; something that nobody else really saw in him. 

He was so genuine. I had sat next to him in a few lessons every now and again but the time you had spent together  had literally been some of your best memories you had of school. 

"(Y/n)?" I looked up to see Mike staring at me smiling, I tried so hard not to blush.

"Yeah?" I asked. 

"This is for you." He handed me a piece of Paper. "It's from Mr Stevens, he asked me to give it too you." He smiled. 

"Thanks Mike." I smiled, taking a breath as he walked away and placed my head in my hands, trying to cover my blush. I picked up the piece of paper, wondering why my History teacher wanted me to have some paper. I opened it to read:


I wanted you to know how amazing you are, so I wrote you a list of all the amazing things about you. 

1. You're funny,

2. You can quote Star Wars,

3. You're unique; unlike anyone else I've ever met,

4. You're so incredibly beautiful,

5. You make me wanted to be a better person,

(Y/n), I'm in love with you. 



Look up. 

I  looked up and saw Mike smiling. The piece of paper was from Mike. He pointed back to the piece of paper, so I looked back down

Will you go out with me? 


I looked up and nodded, biting my lip. 

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