83. Billie Joe Armstrong {Requested}

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*A/n* - This imagine was requested by LiSantos3

Hope you like it!


Warning: Little bit of smut!


Ashley was sat with Billie in the bar, with Tré and Sara. It was Karaoke night and Sara had thought tat it would be a good idea for the four of them to go out, enjoy a few drinks, watch people try but fail at karaoke, and even have a go themselves if they were feeling up to it. Ashley and Sara sat looking through the book that contained the karaoke options as Billie and Tré were at the bar. "What do you think?" Sara asked Ashley.

"I don't know." Ashley admitted. "Most of these are overplayed karaoke songs." Sara nodded in agreement, before pointing at a song. "Ooh! What about this one?" She raised her eyebrows hopefully as she tried to persuade Ashley. The song was 'Don't Cha' by 'The Pussycat Dolls'. "That's a great song." said Sara as she looked back at Ashley but before Ashley could protest, Sara said: "Let's do it!" before she got up and ran over to the man sitting in the booth to put their names down, leaving Ashley laughing.  Billie and Tré came back over to the table. "You okay, my love?" Billie asked as it put her drink down in front of her before planting a kiss on the top of her head. Before she could reply, Tré piped up. "Where is Sara?" He asked, looking around for her.

"She's gone to put us down for a song." Ashley said.

"What song?" Billie asked, his eyes lighting up at the fact that Ashley was going to sing.

"'Don't Cha'" 

"By The Pussycat Dolls?" Tré asked, taking a sip of his drink. Ashley nodded in reply as Billie's eyes were still lit up. "That's different." He smiled. "I've never heard anyone sing that before."

"I know." Ashley beamed. "That's why we picked it."

"Sara picked it, didn't she?" Tré asked, clearly she was going through some sort of phase. Ashley nodded. "I've never heard you sing." Tré admitted, after he waved at Sara who was walking back over to their table. "She's got an amazing voice." Billie said.

"Who's got an amazing voice?" Sara asked, joining the conversation.

"Ashley." Tré said as he placed his hand on her back.

"Oh yeah." Sara smiled, picking up her drink. "She's got an amazing voice." She repeated what Billie said. "So, I keep hearing." Tré replied, looking at Ashley. "So, everyone at this table has heard Ashley sing but I haven't?" He sighed, shaking his head. "That's just rude." Everyone laughed at Tré's remark.

"Next up is Ashley and Sara, singing 'Don't Cha' by The Pussycat Dolls." The man from the booth announced as Billie kissed Ashley and Tré kissed Sara before they headed up to the stage. Everyone in the crowd cheered, but it was Billie and Tré's cheers that could be heard above the rest. Sara and Ashley got up on the stage together and were handed microphones. The music started as they stood together on the stage. Ashley looked out at the crowd in front of her; she began shaking slightly. She had sung in the comfort of her own home, in front of Billie and a select few people but never to this extent. She was nervous. What if they didn't like her? What if they booed her? She knew that now was not the time to think about all of this, she had to focus on singing and making sure that she didn't let Sara down. She looked at Billie in the crowd. He nodded his head slightly, letting her know that she could do it.  

"Don't cha wish your girlfriend was hot like me? Don't cha wish your girlfriend was a freak like me? Don't cha? Don't cha? Don't cha wish your girlfriend was raw like me? Don't cha wish your girlfriend was fun like me? Don't cha? Don't cha?"

When they had finished singing, everyone applauded as Sara and Ashley left the stage and went back to the table where Tré and Billie were sitting. "That was amazing!" Tré said as they sat down. "You were right, Ashley got an amazing voice." He added before he kissed Sara and Billie kissed Ashley. "You were great." Billie told her as she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him again. She pulled away when she heard Sara and Tré, both her and Billie looking over the table at them. They were having a hard make-out session. Billie and Ashley grimaced before Sara whispered something in his ear and he shot up from the table. "W-W-We've got to g-g-go." Tré said, tripping over his words. As they turned to walk away, Sara turned back to Ashley and Billie. "Ash..." She said slowly, biting her lip. "Don't hate me but I signed you up for another song."


"Sorry!" She said, before running after Tré. Ashley looked at Billie, mortified. 

"It's going to be fine." Billie said as the act that was one stage finished and everyone applauded. The man from the booth stood up on stage and announced the next person to sing. "Next up, is Ashley again." A few people applauded, taking Ashley by surprise. 

"See, they love you." Billie said, kissing her neck. 

"Singing, 'Don't let me be the last to know' by Britney Spears!" Billie smiled.                        

"You're great at that song!" He told her as she kissed him, needing the good luck. 

"This one is for you." She smiled as she stood up and headed to the stage. She was handed the microphone. The music started and Ashley took a deep breathe. Her nerves were there again but she looked at Billie and knew that she didn't need to be scared or nervous. He smiled at her and she placed the microphone to her mouth. 

"Don't, don't let me be the last to know. Don't hold back, just let it go. I need to hear you say, you need me all the way. Oh, if you love me so don't let me be the last to know. Your body language says so much, yeah, I feel it in the way you touch but till you say the words, it's not enough. C'mon, and tell me you're in love, please."

She never took her eyes off of Billie once. When the song was over, everyone applauded louder than they did when she sang with Sara. She smiled as Billie pulled her into a hug. "That was fantastic." He kissed her and when he pulled away he looked her straight in the eyes. "I think that we should go home." He raised an eyebrow. 

"So do I." Ashley smiled as the two of them darted out of the bar and into the car. All of the journey home, both of the were irritable, just wanting to be home, to be with one another. Billie teased her by running his hands up and down her leg and rubbing circles at her core. "Billie." She muttered before he stopped as he pulled into their driveway. He helped Ashley out of the car and basically threw the front door open as he carried her in a slammed it shut behind them. 

"I want you so bad." He admitted as he placed his lips on hers before throwing her down on the bed and climbing on top of her. "I want you." She told him as they removed one another's clothing. Beneath her, Ashley gripped the sheets as Billie moved in and out of her, each thrust harder than the last, hitting her g-spot every time. When they released simultaneously, Billie collapsed on top of her. "We should do karaoke night more often." 

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