144. Tré Cool

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"Who the hell are you?" You asked the other woman that was lying in your bed, next to your fiance. "I'm--" She stuttered as she was gathering her things together. 

"I don't actually give a shit who you are!" You replied, "Get the fuck out!" Tré had put his clothes on at this point and was begging you to calm down and talk to him. "Please, let's talk about this properly and not argue." Now, you were the least violent person on the planet, but the hurt and betrayal you felt at this point were unbearable and you began hitting him. "You want me to stay, fucking, calm?" He was moving his hands to defend himself. "You fucking bastard!" 

"You've fucking lost it!" Tré proclaimed. Behind you, you heard the hotel room door open, and Billie, one of Tré's best friends and bandmates, walked through the door. "What the fuck is all the shouting for?" You, however, ignored Billie and continued to hit Tré. "I wasn't the one in bed with another woman!" You screamed. "You bastard!" 

"(Y/n)!" Billie said, lifting you up and taking you away from Tré. "Take some breaths, it's okay." He said, standing in front of you so that you couldn't hit Tré again. Tré looked sheepish now Billie was in the room. "Now, can someone please tell me what the fuck is going on?" He begged, looking between the two of you for an answer as though he was a dad, trying to stop his children from fighting. "I came back, and he was in bed with another woman." You began sobbing and Billie looked shocked. "Well, that explains the woman at the end of the corridor with no clothes on." He looked at Tré. "What the fuck were you thinking?"

Tré shook his hand and ran his fingers through his hair. "I don't know." He admitted. "I didn't mean for it to go this far, I swear." 

"How long have you been sleeping with her?" Billie asked, terrified of the answer. 

"A couple of months." He admitted, after a while, making you cry more. Tré looked at you, desperately. He hated that he had broken your heart like this. He moved closer towards you but you moved away. "I swear, she means nothing to me. It was a stupid, idiotic mistake. You're the one that I love." He watched as you played with your engagement ring, his eyes widening when you began taking it off. He began crying. "Please, (Y/n). Please don't take it off. I love you. Please." He begged, but you shook your head. 

"Why am I always the second option?" You asked. Billie had his hand on the back of his neck, trying to figure out what the hell he was going to do. "This is too much for me. How can I be with you, when I'll be living in fear that you'll do this again?"

"I won't!" 

"But I don't know that!" You sobbed, handing him the ring. "Look after yourself, Tré." You said, simply before walking out of the door, leaving Tré crying and Billie chasing after you.

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