59. Tré Cool

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I had agreed to meet up with my best friend (B/F/n), who had insisted that she had someone that she wanted me to meet. You knew her too well to know that he was trying set me up with a guy so that she didn't have to be alone on a date with this guy who had now agreed to a double date, probably because he didn't want to be alone with her. 

I entered the bar to see her stood ordering drinks. "Hey! (Y/n)!" She smiled hugging me. 

"Hey." I smiled back before she tapped a guy on the shoulder. "Tré this is (Y/n). (Y/n) is Tré!." I smiled as we shook hands. I could immediately tell that I was blushing but I couldn't help it.  Tré was so cute and so different from all the other idiots that she's introduced me too. 

It felt like we were talking for hours, just the two of us as (B/F/n) had to leave but secretly you were both so glad as it gave you an opportunity to be with Tré, by yourself, just to get to know him a bit more. 

"So what do you do?" I asked him, taking a sip of my drink. 

"I'm the drummer of a band." He smiled. "What about you?"

"I've just a job in a recording studio." I smiled. 

"Reprise?" He asked. 

"Yeah, how did you know?" 

"Because you're working with my band." I smiled happily; I couldn't wait to spend more time with Tré. 

Finally the two of us had to leave. "Hey (Y/n). I'd love to see you again." He said. 

"You will at work." I smiled. 

"Outside of work. Do you want to go out of a drink tomorrow night?" He asked hopefully. 

"Sure." I grabbed napkin and pen from my bag and wrote my number down. "Call me." I smiled before biting my lip and kissing him on the cheek. 

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