122. Tre Cool

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"Babe, will you just sit still for one minute?" You laughed as Tre finally sat still in front of you. "I'm nearly done now." You added, putting the last of the mask onto his face. You were not sure how, but you had convinced Tre to do a face mask with you. You moved back slightly to get a good look at him. "Well?" He asked, giving you a small pose. "Do I look fabulous?"

"Always." You laughed, holding up a mirror so he could see his reflection.

"Damn." He said, admiring himself. "I look good." This only made you laugh more. "You know something? I've never given this much thought, but I won't lie to you, I like these masks." Just then, his phone began ringing. "Oh, you got to be shitting me, right now."

"What is it?"

"Billie wants to facetime me." You fell off the sofa laughing as Tre reluctantly answered and Billie wondered what the fuck was going on. 

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