34. Tré Cool

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Tré's P.O.V:

"I'm really sorry. I am but I just don't think it's working out."

Claudia scoffed. "This is about him isn't it?" 

"Him?" I asked, trying to act as though I had no idea what she was on about. 

"Billie." She looked at me. "I'm not stupid Tré. I've seen the way you look at him. You're in love with him." 

I look at her. "You're right. I am in love with him but I still want you to be happy. I do." 

She suddenly changed her tune. "It was good while it lasted." She smiled as she grabbed her bag. "Tell him Tré before it's too late." She kissed my cheek and left.

She was right I needed to tell him. I rushed over to the recording studio where we had planned to meet the day before. He said that he'd have some news for me and Mike. Mike had already text me to say that he and Brittany were there and soon after I arrived to. 

Not long after my arrival, Billie arrived a huge smile on his face. "Billie. I need to talk to you."

"Sure! Can I tell you my news before though?" 

"Yes. Of course." I say standing with Mike and Brittany. 

"Me and Adrienne are engaged!" He said as Adrienne walked into the room, showing off her engagement ring to Brittany. I felt my heart break into one thousand pieces. 

"Congratulations." I say, forcing a smile.

"Yeah Congrats." Said Mike, smiling. 

"So Tré. What did you want to talk about?" He looked around "Where's Claudia"

"Oh, it doesn't matter now. Me and Claudia broke up." 

"Oh man, I'm so sorry." 

"Don't worry about it Billie. Congrats again." I said, walking out of the room, suppressing any tears that were trying to escape my eyes.

AN; Again Trillie shippers, I apologize! But I am planning to have a part two of this, where he confesses his love. Stay Tuned! 

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