69. Billie Joe Armstrong {Requested}

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*A/n* - This imagine was requested by HikariNoShizuku

This is Part One of Two! 

Hope you enjoy.


Out of her group of friends, (Y/n) was definitely the odd one out. For a long time, she didn't mind it because she has always believed embracing her individuality but now that she was getting older, she felt so lonely, even when she was surrounded by her friends. The thing is that all of her friends were in relationships and (Y/n) was the only one that wasn't but she shrugged it off and said that she was fine without a boyfriend. At first this was true, to her having a boyfriend was just another person to let you down but now that she had grown up some more and had witnessed how happy her friends were in their relationships, she realised that she wouldn't mind a boyfriend. Of course, the fear of being let down was still there but she was still a teenager; the first relationship was never meant to go smoothly. 

So there she was surrounded by all of her friends and their boyfriends and girlfriends. They were in their little group, making plans to go out together as a 'couple clan' and then there (Y/n) was, sat on the side lines, scrolling through her phone and sighing every now and again; partly because every picture she saw was of people in relationships and partly because she wanted her friends to notice her and maybe even ask her how she was. Despite them being her friends, a few even her 'best friends', there was a lot that they didn't even know about her and about her insecurities. Of course, she wanted to still hang around with them because when they weren't talking about couples stuff, they did include her and make her feel welcome. However, being with them partly made of her insecurities worse because she was constantly known as the girl that hangs around with all of the couples. This is when she felt the most alone and like she had no-one anymore. There were times when they would ask her if she's okay and she would tell them the truth but would immediately laugh it off; she didn't want them to worry but at the same time, she would worry that they wouldn't believe her. Eventually (Y/) decided to keep on the inside, realising that it was probably the safest place for her to hide. She was invisible to most people anyway. 

(Y/n) came back into the real world from thinking about how lonely life was to hear one of her friends say: "We're going to blow off next lesson to grab something to eat at that new restaurant See ya!" They all walked away. "Fucking hell." (Y/n) said to herself as she remained where she sat, looking at her friend's backs as they walked away. She was more angry that they didn't even bother to ask her if she wanted to go with them. It's not like having a single friend at the table was going to put them all off of their dinner. She was now on the verge of tears but tried to hold them back; the last thing that she wanted to do was cry over all of this. 

"Hey (Y/n)." Someone said. (Y/n) looked up to see Billie Joe looking at her. (Y/n) looked at him before looking behind her and around her. "Me?" She asked finally when she realised that no-one else was with her. "Yeah, you." He said. "How are you?" This took (Y/n) by surprise. Why was Billie Joe, the 'bad boy' of her high school talking to her, of all people.

"I'm okay." She said, suspiciously.

"Where are all your friends?" He asked. 

"Oh, you know, leaving me behind to do couple things together, like eat at that new restaurant in town without inviting me because I'm single." She blurted as Billie sat next to her. 

"I'll take you if you want." He said, making her laugh. "What's so funny?" Billie asked. 

"Who put you up to this?" She asked, standing up and putting her bag over her shoulder. "No-one put me up to this. Why do you say that?"

"Because, Billie. You're popular and handsome and I'm...." She stopped. "Well, I'm me." She began to walk away when Billie grabbed her arm. "(Y/n), I'm talking to you of my own accord." He said. "I'm talking to you because I want to."

"Well, I'm sorry and I hope you feel better soon." She told him as she walked to her lesson. "I know that you're joking because someone like you would never offer to take someone like me out for dinner." 

"(Y/n), I really like you." Billie said. 

"And I wish I could believe you." She told him as she stood outside her class. "I really do. See you later Billie." She headed into the classroom, leaving him stood outside and determined to make her realise how he felt about her. The whole lesson, (Y/n) couldn't concentrate because all she could think about was Billie and what had just happened. 'There's now way that he was serious about dinner.' She told herself. When the bell went, she left the class only to be greeted by Billie. 

"Hey." He said, following her outside. She was really started to get annoyed with him and this little joke of his. "Jesus Billie!" She said, standing in front of him. "What do you want from me?" 

"I want to take you out for dinner." He admitted. 


"Because I like you, (Y/n). I really like you and I have for a long time. You're different, individual, and naturally beautiful. I can't stop thinking about you and how I wish that you were mine. I close my eyes and there you are. You have a hold on my heart and it breaks every time I see those idiots leave you behind because you deserve the world." He pulled you into his arms. "You deserve so much more than you have." He leaned in and kissed her; for the first time in a long time, she felt complete and loved. 

"So this isn't a joke?" (Y/n) said, when he pulled away.

"No. I really want to take you out." He said. "So, can I?" His eyes were filled with hope." 

"Okay then." (Y/n) replied. "Yes." 

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