19. Mike Dirnt {requested}

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(Requested by @mikedirntsfrootloops

It was the last week before Prom and still, nobody had asked you to go with them. All of your friends had dates with their crushes, but of course, you were still waiting for yours to ask you. Your mind skipped to the point where he asked you to be his "date". 

You smiled at the thought. At that exact moment - he walked down the corridor. He smiled at you, making you blush. You quickly turned to your locker, as out of the corner of your eye, he began walking towards you. 

You heart began beating at an alarming rate. You felt the blood run to your cheeks, you felt as though you were dying inside. "Hey (Y/n)!" He said, making you jump slightly. "Sorry. Didn't mean to make you jump." He said, apologetically.                                                                                                   "It's ok. Don't worry about it." You smiled as you closed your locker. 

"Listen." He said, almost cautiously. " Y'know that Prom next week?"                                                "Yeah." You said, whilst trying not to sound to hopeful.                                                                                  "Are you going with anyone?" He burst.                                                                                                                 You smiled. "No. Why?"                                                                                                                                                 "Do you wanna go with me?"  You felt heat rise to your cheeks once more as you nodded with excitement. "Ok. Great!" Said Mike. "I guess, I'll see you soon." He kissed your cheek before walking away, a smiled spread across his face. You bit your lip. Excitedly, you giggled before heading of to your next class

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