11. Mike Dirnt

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"Mike?" Tré was still trying hard to get my attention but he wasn't going to get it, He'd already pissed me off. Seriously? Why do I bother? 

Every time I meet a nice girl he steals her right in front me! What the fuck! 

"Mike?!" He said once again, this time I'd given up 'cause if i heard my name one more time, I'd kill him - like physically kill him! 

"What!" I shouted in frustration. 

"How many times do I have to say I'm sorry? Seriously man! I was doing you a favor!" 

I looked around confused. "How? I don't see you stealing my girlfriend - again - as doing me a favor." 

"Well - " He said, looking around, "She was shit in bed!" 

I scoffed in disgust, "D'you know what? I didn't get that with that far her thanks to you!" 

Billie walked in the room. "Ladies! Ladies! Quit your squabbling! I've hear enough! 

He patted me on the back. "Mike, I've got a surprise for you." He said, smiling.

Tré laughed. "There you go! You can have sex with Billie instead of her!"

Me and Billie looked at him. "What?" He said, "Billie is Bi!"

Billie shook his head. "Shut up you dick-head!" He turned back around to me " Adrienne has set you up with one of her friends." 

"When for?" I asked, suddenly excited. 

"Now." He said, smiling.  A beautiful blonde walked through the door was Billie's wife, Adrienne. 

She smiled. "Hi. Mike? I'm Brittany." Tré suddenly appeared out of nowhere. 

"Hello." He said, trying to seduce her.

Billie grabbed him. "Nope! Don't you dare fuck this up!" 

I smiled at Brittany "Coffee?"

She nodded as we walked out together. I turned to see Tré sulking. I laughed and stuck my middle finger up at him before walking out the room with a beautiful woman at my arm. 

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