20. The Armstrong Family {Requested}

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Requested by aicasername

Today was the day, no more holding back or waiting around. Today, I  was going to meet the Armstrong Family. Of course, I was apprehensive and a little nervous but that's what happens when you're meeting your boyfriend's parents (and brother) for the first time. 

Me and Jakob have been dating for about 3 or 4 months and things were kinda serious, so when he asked me too meet his parents, I was taken aback and excited. "They can't wait to meet you!" I recall Jakob, telling me the other afternoon. 

As I began walking up the the house, my hands were shaken. I straightened out my t-shirt and walked up the steps. Doubling checking my t-shirt was straight, I knocked on the door, hoping that I would impress Jakob's parents. The Armstrong Family. 

 Jakob opened the door smiling. "Hi! You made it!" He said, kissing me. "Come in! They're dying to meet you!"  He led me through the door frame I to the living room, where his parents stood. His mum hugged me. "It's so nice to finally meet you (Y/n)! Jakob talks about you a lot!" She smiled.  His father smiled too. I shook his hand as he said, " Hi. I'm Billie, Jakob's dad. I'm so glad he's found someone who makes him happy." 

I awkwardly sat down next to Jakob as his parents sat across smiling. They seemed really nice. I could see where Jakob got it from, the kindness, that smile, the good looks. I went through the usual routine of his parents asking me, about my parents,about how we met ( which Jakob has  told them many of times but they wanted to hear it from me. Apparently). 

I endured that for a whole day but it was worth it.  Mrs Armstong made us dinner, however I didn't get to meet his brother because he was at band practice. I had Jakob walk me home and before I left Mrs Armstrong gave me some food to take back to my parents. 

Honestly, I have a feeling I'll be round the Armstrong household a lot more in the foreseeable future. 

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