137. Mike Dirnt {Requested}

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*A/n* - This imagine was requested by Rqckins80s

Thank you for requesting and I hope that you enjoy it! 




You felt your anxiety rising up as you children were running circles around you. You loved your children more than anything, just as your husband Mike did, but when Mike was not around, they would often play up for you, especially if they could sense that you were having a bad day. They might only be children, but they certainly weren't stupid. You suffered with anxiety and sometimes it made parenting very difficult, especially on days like this. 

"Can you two please not keep fighting with one another?" You asked, pulling the pair of them apart. You and Mike were the parents of a 5 year old daughter and a 3 year old little boy; it was safe to say that they were a handful. "But mommy, he stole my toys!" You daughter shouted, stamping her feet before running over to her little brother and pushing him over, causing him to burst out crying. 

"Right," You said, running over to your son and picking him up, checking that he was okay. He cuddled into, crying his eyes out. "Apologise to your brother right now."

"No!" She stamped her little feet on the ground and folded her arms. "He stole my toys."

"He just wants to play with you, now apologise to him please."

"No!" She shouted, stamping her feet even more. You placed your son on the couch and he sat happily watching a show on TV as you walked over to your daughter. "Naughty step for you young lady."

"Not fair!" She screamed trying to run away. 

"No, you hurt your brother, so you're going to sit here for 5 minutes."

"I hate you!" She cried, stamping her feet on the steps. That's when the front door opened and Mike stood there wondering what the hell he had walked into. "What's going on?"

"Naughty step!" You daughter shouted as Mike looked at you. 

"I put her on the naughty step, because she pushed him over as he was trying to play with her." Mike looked over at this daughter who was still frowning. "Then she told me that she hated me." Your daughter ran from the stairs but Mike picked her up and put her back on. "You will stay there for the next five minutes, young lady. You do not push your brother over and you do not tell mommy that you hate her." 

Mike walked away from the stairs to see your son. "Are you okay?" He asked you pulling you into a hug. "Yeah, I just don't know where I'm going wrong."

"What do you mean?"

"I just feel like a shit mom. I just feel like I can't get it right." You explained.

"Babe, you are doing amazing." He kissed your head. "This is just the nerves and anxiety talking. Don't forget they'll be heightened at the minute. They were heightened the first two pregnancies." Mike placed his hand on your stomach. 

"I just don't know how she's going to react to a new baby around the house. If she can treat her three year old brother like that, who knows."

"Babe, she'll have to get used to it and I bet that she'll absolutely love this baby." Mike kissed you. "Speaking of which, her five minutes are up." Mike left to get your daughter and brought her back in. "Now, what do you say to Mommy?"

"Sorry Mommy." She said giving you a hug. Mike knelt down to be at your daughter's eye level. "Now Mommy and Daddy have got something to tell you." He explained. Mike looked at you and smiled. "Mommy's got a baby in her tummy."

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