134. Billie Joe Armstrong {Requested}

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*A/n* - This imagine was requested by 

I really hope that it was worth the wait. Thank you for the request and simply being a wonderful person/friend. Thank you for your patience. 


TW: This imagine may be upsetting for some readers in parts, so please read with caution. Small bit of derogatory language too.


Of all of the bands I had been to see over the years and all of the days after where I couldn't hear anything properly because the music was so loud; it was always Green Day's shows that I went back to. Even from a relatively young age, I was there in the crowds and I knew every word. I felt safer in the crowd of a Green Day concert than I did anywhere else. When they weren't touring, I can not begin to example how much I craved to be in the audience and listening to Billie Joe as he poured his heart out and did what he does best. 

Green Day had always been the band that made me feel safe, loved and wanted. Green Day, despite not knowing me personally, accepted me for who I was. They never asked me to change, nor did they expect me to, unlike everyone else that I knew. I had grown to love myself the way I was but it had been a long journey to get to that place. I now refused to apologise for being who I was, but it still hard. Sometimes I felt like I was the only person on earth; except for when I was standing front row. 

So, that leads me to where I am now. Front Row at Green Day's 21st Century Breakdown Tour and I'm screaming along to the lyric so much that I am certain my voice will hurt tomorrow morning. There I am, minding my own business when someone pushes me against the railings. Before I look to see who it was, I look at the security guard in front of me to see if he was going to do anything but he clearly did not give a shit. I roll my eyes and turn around to see someone that I would rather never see again. "Look who it is." She said, giving me a sarcastic smile. We had been friends yeards ago but our friendship ended when she couldn't accept me for who I was. "What the fuck are you doing here?" She asked, trying to stand taller than me which was not actually that hard. "Trying to have a good time." I answered. "So, piss off."

"Well, if you're going to be like that." She said, annoyed because she knew that she wasn't getting to me. She began waving someone over to us and my heart dropped in my chest. I had met this guy before and the last timehe had managed to beat the shit out of me. "I remember you." He said, pushing me into the railing like she had done just moments before. "Still Transgender?" When he said the word Transgender, he used little air quotations and it really pissed me off. "Yeah, I am. What's it to you?" 

"Transgender does not exist.It a label created for people that are attention seekers and stupid." The girl laughed. "Acurate then." Before I could reply the guy threw me to the ground and began kicking me. The guard look on as this happened and didn't do anything. It was Mike that noticed first. Mike looked into the crowd as the guy shouted at me. "You're nothing more than an attention-seeking Tranny." Mike bent down and tapped on the guards shoulder, desperately trying to get him to intervene but he ignored Mike's request. At this time, I managed to stand up and tried to fight back but this guy was a lot bigger than I was.  Little bit I know, Mike was running over to Billie and alreting him on the situation. Billie uicly scanned the crowd and ran to the guard but still had no luck. 

Billie grabbed his microphone angrily. "Fucking asshole." He said bitterly as he spoke. "We'll fucking sort it out ourselves." Billie put his hand above his eyes so that he could see better into the crowd. He spotted me and the company that I didn't not want. I had not noticed any of this yet though as I was too busy trying to stop myself being beat up from someone who was a lot bigger than I was. "Hey! Asshole!" Billie shouted as everyone began turning towards us. "Hey! I'm talking to you!" The guy that was trying to beat me up stopped suddenly and when I looked up to see what was going on, I noticed that his eyes were glued to the stage in awe. He looked as though he was about to be sick. He looked guilty. 

Wanting to know what he was staring at, I looked up and saw that Billie was stood on the edge of the stage and looking right at him. "Who the fuck do you think you are?" Billie asked, only getting more annoyed when he didn't receive an answer. "You and your friend can get the hell out." When they did not move, the security guards were given no choice but to move them. Billie smiled at me and I felt something in my chest that I had not felt before. He asked me if I was okay as Mike watched the others leave. 

"It does not matter who are. It does not matter what you identify as. A Green Day concert will always be there to welcome you. We will take you in, we will love and accept you for who you are. Never let anyone make you feel like you are anything less. You don't need to prove anything to anyone and you are perfect just the way you are." Billie said, as the crowd cheered.

That, right there, is the reason that Green Day are my favourite band.


A/n* - I would like to stress that these are not my opinions!!! I, unfortunately have heard things that like be said to someone that I know and it absolutely disgusted me. Transgender people are people and all people should be allowed to live their lives how they like.

DM's open for anyone struggling or needs someone to talk to. 

I love you all. 

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