40. Tré Cool

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Tré's P.O.V:

"Tré!" Billie said as he hit my back and sat next to me whilst I was tapping the drumsticks against the back of a chair.  "Yes?" I replied, looking at him through the corner of my eye. "Is everything okay?" I had been a bit out of sort recently, my girlfriend had split up with because she was jealous of Billie and Mike. I'm slowly getting over it as I realize that Billie and Mike are way better than her anyway.  "I've got you a date." He said, smiling.

"What do you mean?" I asked , intrigued. 

"Well, you know the girl that they hired to come on tour with us to, y'know, help out." He paused, awaiting my answer. 


"Well, she's a friend of Adrienne's." He explained. "They were talking the other day and (Y/n), the girl who's working for us, has a thing for you." 

I smiled, I had spoken to her quite a bit since she started. "So when's my date." I asked, almost desperately. Billie smiled. "Now." He pointed at the door behind me, as (Y/n) walked in. 

(Y/n)'s P.O.V:

Tré stood up as I walked into the room. "Hi." He smiled, kissing my cheek gently. 

"Hi." I replied smiling. "Hi Billie." I said, looking at Billie who was sat behind him. "Hey." Was his reply before he said, "I'll leave you two to it. I said I'd meet Adrienne for lunch. She'll kill me if I'm late." He smiled, hitting Tré on the back and leaving us alone. 

"Are you ready to go?" He asked, politely. 

"Sure." I smiled, moving a piece of hair out of my face. When we had left the building we walked side by side talking. It was mainly just conversations to get to know each other but I was already having a good time. After about 10 minutes of slow walking, we arrived at a restaurant which was serving lunch. Tré held the door open for me. "Thank you." I said, walking into the restaurant and choosing our seats. We were given menus and chose our drinks and food. 

After we finished our, we carried on talking for what felt like hours. He was so interesting and lovely and cute. I couldn't help but blush. "Can I see you again?" He asked before taking a sip of his drink. 

I nodded, excitedly. "I'd like that." I said as we exchange numbers before heading back to the  recording studio. 

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