129. Mike Dirnt

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Today was the day that you had been waiting for, for the longest time. After the breakdown of your last relationship, you had been hesitant at dating again,  seeing you were a single mother; you wanted to devote all your time to your child. 

But that had been years ago, and after some encouragement, your friends had persuaded you to get back out there and start dating. So that's what you did and now you were in a relationship with Mike. He was a musician and was respectful of the fact that you'd wanted to take it slow and understanding of the fact that you had a child to think about.

So, today was the day that Mike was meeting your daughter for the first time and you couldn't help but be nervous. You had gotten everything ready for the big moment and surprisingly, for a seven-year-old who didn't like change,  your daughter was excited to meet him.

Someone knocked on the front door and you immediately felt the butterflies, fluttering away in your stomach. "He's here." You said to (Y/D/n). You stroked her head. "I know you'll be wonderful." You smiled before going to answer the door. "Hello." You smiled, kissing him. "Come in." He thanked you and came into your house.

"How are you?" You asked him.

"Nervous." He admitted, running his hand through his hair.

"Don't be nervous," You smiled. "She's excited to meet you." Together, you walked into the lounge where (Y/D/n) was. "Hello." She smiled, walking up to Ian as he came down t her eye level. "Hi (Y/D/n). I'm Mike." He said, shaking her hand. 

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