75. Mike Dirnt

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"I'm really sorry." The doctor said, sighing. "But it's not good news."

This was what Mike and (Y/n) didn't want to hear the doctor say today, they wanted good news and they wanted to leave the doctor's office the happiest people in the world as they found out that nothing was wrong and it was just taking longer than usual but it would happen eventually and they would get everything that they wanted. 

They would finally get the family that they had longed for, for so long. 

"How are you feeling?" Mike asked (Y/n) when they were in the car and driving to the doctors office. He was worried about her and he placed his hand on her leg as she sat beside him. "I'm okay, a little nervous though." She admitted. "What about you?"

"I'm nervous too." He replied as he turned the corner. "What ever happens in here, it's going to be okay."

"It's going to be okay." She repeated Mike's words, trying to reassure herself as they pulled into the doctors office. They both got out of the car and walked in, hand in hand, as they checked in. "The doctor will be right with you." The receptionist smiled as she pointed at the chairs in the corner of the room. (Y/n) thanked her before they went to sit down. They were still holding hands, almost as though both of them felt too afraid to let go. Neither of them said anything to one another, so the sound of the breathing filled the air; it was irregular and shaking on both parts.  

They wanted this so bad, so they both just hoped for the best, in the hope that that was the news that they got. Mike and (Y/n) had been trying for a baby for over two years and had decided that it was time to get professional advice on what to do.  All they wanted was to start a family together. 

"Mr and Mrs Pritchard?" The doctor asked, smiling, making (Y/n) and Mike look up in unison before they followed him into his office. He closed the door behind and sat at his desk. "How are you both today?" 

"Nervous but hopeful." Mike spoke up as (Y/n) struggled to find the words. 

"I'm hopeful for you too." The doctor smiled as he held onto their file. 

"You don't know the results?" (Y/n) found herself asking. 

"No, I don't." He admitted. "I'd rather found out when you do. I, personally, do not think it's fair that I would know such things before you." He stopped for a moment. "Are you ready?" He asked. Mike nodded as he squeezed (Y/n)'s hand. They watched eagerly as the doctor opened the file. He stared at the contents of it, taking it in before he looked up at (Y/n) and Mike. "I'm really sorry." The doctor said, sighing. "But, it's not good news." (Y/n) felt her heart shatter in her chest. "I'm afraid that it is very unlikely for you to be able to conceive a child."

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