116. Mike Dirnt

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(Y/n) found herself running, she had no recollection of how she had gotten to this point, but here she was. She just knew that she had to see him again, even if it was one last time. She wanted to remind herself that it wasn't a dream; he knew her and she knew him and together they had something special. Something that arguably worth fighting for.  Never in her entire life had she been this way, she had always kept herself to herself and had never been one of those girls to both with males or male attention but when she met Mike everything was different:

(Y/n) had been sitting at the bar, her best friend had left her to go home, but (Y/n) didn't want to go home yet. Going home would have meant that she would sit in her house alone and she didn't want that. (Y/n) liked being surrounded by people, even if she didn't like people very much. It gave her this weird sense of imagination; she loved to look at people and wonder what their hangups were, what their pain was and what type of person they were. This way she didn't have to think about herself.  At this particular time, she had a rum and coke in her hand and was watching a group of people who were on the other side of the bar. (Y/n) was studying them so much that she didn't see someone else sitting beside her. The person remained silent for a few moments before they said: "What ya looking at?" They said it in a musical way that brought (Y/n) attention back to the real world. "Nothing." She said. "Absolutely nothing." She added after seeing that she had gone into such a daydream that the group of people had left and she was simply staring at a blank wall. "You looked deep in thought." The man next to her said as she brought her attention to him. He was a young man in his 20's with blond spiky hair. "I was. I always am." (Y/n) laughed. 

"Me too." The guy said, holding out his hand. "I'm Mike."

"(Y/n)." She said, shaking his hand before taking the final sip of her drink. 

"Can I get you another one?" Mike asked, looking at her drink. (Y/n) thought about it for a moment, but what did she have to lose? Nothing. Did she have to be anywhere? No. What harm could it do?  "Sure." She smiled and that was it. The sparks flew between them and they ended up spending the whole week together. 

That's how (Y/n) got here:

The tour bus for Mike's band was just in front of her and she saw his band members getting on the bus before she saw his hair at the back of the line of people waiting to get on the bus. "Mike!" She shouted and watched him look up and smile as he saw her. He ran up to her and pulled her into his arms. "I thought you agreed that you wouldn't come."

"I did." She admitted, but she knew immediately after they both agreed that she wouldn't that she probably would anyway. "I had to see you one more time." She told him as his arms were around her waist. "I wanted to make sure that you wouldn't forget me."

"How could I forget you?" He asked as he ran his fingers through her hair. "I would never."

"You left before I got to say goodbye this morning and I wanted to tell you how much fun I had this week." She was suppressing her tears. "I've never had so much fun as I have with you." Mike leaned in and kissed her. "Just promise me that you won't forget me." 

"I promise you. As soon as this tour is over, I'll come back. I'll find you." He said, tears in his eyes. "I will always come back to you."

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