71. Mike Dirnt {Requested}

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*A/n* - This imagine was requested by @RandomYoungArtist

Hope you like it!


You left your classroom, the door closing behind you. You were the last one out as you needed to pack away your things and hand in your essay to your teacher. You were glancing at your phone when someone tapped you on the shoulder. "Hey (Y/n). " You smiled, recognising the voice that was speaking. "Hey, Mike." You said, as he wrapped his arm around you and over your shoulder as you walked down the corridor together.

"How was your lesson?" He asked as you placed your phone in your pocket and clutched your folder. 

"It was good. How was yours." You asked as he held the door open for you as the two of you walked outside. Mike was one of your best friends and had been for as long as you could remember; the two of you were always there for each other, no matter what. 

You went to sit on the table that you always sat on. Mike seemed distant today. "Is something wrong?" You asked him as he came back into the real world from a day dream. 

"No, why?" He asked, tilting his head to the side slightly, his blonde hair falling to the side of his face. "You just seem a little distant that's all." You told him. "Is there anything that you want to talk about?" 

He moved uncomfortably in his seat next to you. "Well, actually there is something that I wanted to speak to you about." He said, avoiding eye contact with you. 

"Okay." You said, calmly. 

"Obviously, you're my best friend and you're the best person that I've ever known. You make me laugh and you're always there for me." He stopped as you smiled feeling touched by his words. He went to open his mouth to speak again before Tré and Billie, your other friends, sat down at the table. "What's going on guys?" Billie asked as Mike shot him a look and Tré said; "Look at the smile on (Y/n)'s face! Obviously Mike's told her." He turned to Mike. "Good for you, Mike." Mike looked at you embarrassed. "Tell me what?" You asked curiously. That's when Tré's face dropped and Billie hit him across the head. "Dickhead! Can't you keep your mouth shut?"

"Tell me what?" You asked again as Billie grabbed Tré by the collar and pulled him up and away from the table. "We'll leave you guys to it." He said as Mike looked at you. 

"Mike? What's going on?" You asked. Mike looked at his hands before looking at you and leaning in to kiss you. "That's what I wanted to tell you." He said, when he pulled away. "Look, (Y/n), I really like you and I know that we're best friends and if you don't feel the same way, then I understand, I-"

"Mike." You said interrupting him. "Just shut up and kiss me again." You said, pulling him closer to you again. 


*A/n* - 

Thank you for the request.

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