113. Billie Joe Armstrong {Requested}

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*A/n* - This imagine was requested by LiSantos3

Hope you like it.


**Containing some smut**


The front door opened, and (Y/n) was greeted by Billie. He held her tight in his arms and kissed her; they had been apart for a few weeks now, and were thrilled to be reunited with each other. Billie, and his band member's Mike and Tré had been away recording their new album 'Father of All Motherfuckers' or otherwise known as simple 'Father of All...' and whilst (Y/n) was completely understanding of the situation and how much his career in music meant to Billie, it didn't mean that it wasn't hard for her to be away from him for such a long time, especially considering the fact that Ashley and Billie had two children together. Just like her, their children also missed Billie a lot. 

"God." He smiled, as he looked at (Y/n). "I have missed you." 

"I've missed you too." She told him as she ran her fingers through his hair. 

"Not as much as me." He argued flirtatiously. 

"Wanna bet?" She asked, raising her eyebrow. Billie looked at the clock, before looking back at (Y/n) seductively. "We still have a few hours until the kids are back." (Y/n) bit down on her lip and laughed as Billie lifted her up over his shoulders and carried her into their bedroom. He through her down on the bed and climbed on top of her. "Fuck." She heard herself mutter as Billie kissed her neck, biting every so slightly at the skin; it wasn't enough to hurt, but enough to leave small red marks. They had both waited long enough for this moment, and they needed each other. Within a matter of seconds, their clothing went from being on their body to being thrown across the bedroom in different directions. Billie placed himself at (Y/n)'s entrance and teased her by moving his fingers in a circular motion at her entrance. She let out a frustrated moan as he did so whilst simultaneously kissing her stomach. "Please Billie." She practically beg as he positioned himself ready, and ever so slowly began to place himself inside her. Both let out a gasp in unison with one another. Billie gripped at the sheets beneath (Y/n) as he began to thrust himself in and out of her. Each movement that he made created more pleasure for each of them. 

"Fuck (Y/n)." Billie said, breathlessly. "I love you so much."

"I love you too baby." (Y/n) replied, her arms wrapped around his neck. For the next few minutes, moans escaped from both their mouths, before Billie collapsed next to (Y/n) on the bed and pulled her into his arms. 

"God." He smiled, looking at (Y/n). "I've missed you." 

3 months later: 

**The Release Party for Father of All**

"We wanted to do something a little bit different with this album, and I think that we have accomplished that. I want to thank my wife, (Y/n) for her constant support in all of this; in all of the long days that I have to spend away from her and our children. Our ever growing family." There were a few gasps around the room, as Sara, Tré, Mike, and Brittany quickly caught onto what Billie meant, and all looked straight at (Y/n). "Some of you have already caught onto what I mean." He smiled, looking at (Y/n). "The two of us cannot keep it a secret anymore. We are expecting our third child." There were many cheers around the room. Billie winked at (Y/n), as everyone congratulated the pair of them. This happened for a few minutes, before Billie continued. "Now, let's listen to this goddamn album!" The room cheered as Billie came and stood by (Y/n). He held her in his arms. 

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