FB (Fast Bonding)

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-back with Donnisa, Connie & Peedee (day two)-

Me(?): I'm going next door! *walks out before anyone could say anything* *shudders* *mumbles* this is so retarded... *walks over to Peedee's* *knocks on the door*

-in the house-

Peedee & Connie(?): *asleep on the couch*

Donnie: *groans* *stumbles out of bed* *goes down the attic stairs* *slowly walks towards the door* *opens it* yeah?...

Me(?): let me in, you gap-toothed weirdo.

Donnie: *eyes open wide* *looks down at Louisa(?)* *sighs softly* *mumbles* Peedee wouldn't be happy to see you, just hang out in any of the rooms. There's a tv in all of them *walks back towards the attic*

Me(?): *rolls eyes softly* *walks in the house* *closed the door softly* *noticed Peedee & Connie(?) on the couch* *eyes widen* *huffs* *softly stomps towards a random room*

-what happened that night-

Connie(?): *walks towards the couch* so, you said we could watch a movie? *sits down*

Peedee: yeah! Whatever one you're in the mood for *motions to all the movies*

Connie(?): hmm... how about Jumanji; The Next Level? *side smiles*

Peedee: *smiles big* you got it! *looks for it* *puts it in the dvd player* *sits next to Connie(?)* so... what made you think to come all the way out here?

Connie(?): *softly tensed* *thinks flip, I don't know if I should answer teasingly or cheesy!-* *chuckles softly* I had to see you after all this time, Peedee. I missed you~

Peedee: *softly blushed* *wraps an arm around Connie's(?) waist* you're the best

Connie(?): *remembers moments between Peedisa* *softly tears up* no, you are... *leans in Peedee's hold* *thinks fuck, that was cheesy-*

Peedee: *wraps both arms around Connie(?)*

Connie(?): *thinks oh, so now my cheesiness is enough for you?!* *just watches the movie*

-halfway through the movie-

Peedee: *couldn't watch the movie* *having multiple thoughts go through his head* *thinks why did I cheat?-*

Connie(?): *couldn't watch the movie* P-Peedee...

Peedee: y-yeah?...

Connie(?): you're a great guy... *thinks shit, don't be cheesy-* but I'll never know what you seen in Louisa *rolls eyes softly*

Peedee: *shakes head* *makes Connie(?) face him* let's forget about Louisa for a second.

Connie(?): *blushed softly* o-okay...

Peedee: *smiles softly* because I love you, and I just.. want to stop making fun of Louisa

Connie(?): *genuinely confused* *raised an eyebrow* why?

Peedee: *looks away* n-no reason..... but, is it okay if I try something?

Connie(?): go right ahead.

Peedee: *pulls Connie(?) in for a kiss*

Connie(?): *eyes widen* *noticed Peedee's eyes are closed* *memories flow back* *tried not to push back in frustration* *kissed back*

Conniedee(?): *start a bit of a heated make-out*

-back to now-

Connie(?): *groans* I got a big headache... *remembers last night* *softly gasps* *looks down at Peedee* *stands up* *breathes in and out* *claps hands twice* *lights turn on* *walks towards the kitchen* *gets a bowl of cereal* *yawns* man, I'm still tired...

-ten minutes later-

Connie(?): *fell asleep* *head propped up by fist* *face getting close to falling in cereal*

Me(?): *walking out of room* *bored* *noticed Connie(?)* *smirks softly* *mumbles* oops *pushed Connie's(?) face into the cereal*

Connie(?): *coughs a bit* *sits up* *shakes head* *looks at Louisa(?) confused* *sighs* I feel like I should tell you that Peedee said he doesn't want to make fun of Louisa anymore *takes a bite of cereal*

Me(?): *eyes widen* *sits down* what? Why??

Connie(?): he wouldn't tell. But it's obvious he still doesn't like her-... you anymore since we kind of made out last night.

Me(?): I wanna say that's both sweet and weird at the same time...

Connie(?): you're telling me. I had to use everything in me to not push him away!... it hurts, ya know?

Me(?): *looks at Connie(?) confused*

Connie(?): that he could do that.... just act like he was head over heels for me, then just reveal to me after a few months that he's cheating on me.

Me(?): *looks away nervously* *sighs* did Steven feel bad?.. even if I didn't cheat and just stopped loving him?....

Connie(?): who??

Me(?): *shakes head* it's not important. But seriously I didn't think it'd effect you this bad - like, you guys were really that close?

Connie(?): *nods head* *teary eyed* my heart felt like it shattered when I heard him say he's been cheating on me. Called me "predictable"... he wants something unpredictable - which is apparently you. *smiles softly*

Me(?): *raised an eyebrow* how are you smiling?!

Connie(?): *chuckles* just remembering some things. *leans forward* did you know he farts sometimes and tries to blame it on the smell of pig shit outside? *points thumb to the left*

Me(?): *laughs softly* you're kidding!

Connie(?): *shakes head* nope! You should've seen the time he let me do his hair - let me see my-... your phone for a second.

Me(?): *hands Connie(?) my phone* okay? Wait, do you need my-

Connie(?): no, I remember the password. *looks through pictures* *smirks* *holds phone back out*

Me(?): *looks at picture* *laughs hard* oh my god! Is that really what his hair looks like when it's put in a ponytail??

Connie(?): *nods head* there's been a few things we've done. Though he's never made-out with you just like he did with me last night *smirks*

Me(?): *blushed* *put hair behind ear* *nervously laughed*

Connie(?): *sincerely* he cares about you.... don't forget that. Because there has to be something special about you that he likes better than what he saw in me.

-an hour later-

Donnie: *walks down from the attic* *writing down notes* *trying to see if he can fix the body switching situation without magic* *hears laughing* *furrows eyebrows* *walks towards the living room*

Peedee: *groans* *finally wakes up* *yawns* *stretched* *sits up* *noticed Connie(?) not on the couch* *eyes widen* *hears laughing too* *noticed Donnie* *whispers* do you know who's laughing?

Donnie: *shakes his head* *grabs bat* *gets ready to fight burglars*

Peedee: *nods* *follows right behind Donnie*

-in the kitchen-

Me(?): you know, I didn't think I'd be able to trust you enough to be laughing like we're best friends this quickly.

Connie(?): me neither, honestly. *heard footsteps* I mean, dating your ex? Kind of weird *motions eyes to behind me*

Me(?): *quickly looks* *sees the two boys* *nods* yeah... *looks down sadly* *looks back at Connie(?) happily* but you seem pretty cool... *playfully* for someone that likes sausage on her pizza!

Connie(?): *playfully* oh yeah, well at least I'm not plain and eat only cheese!

Me(?) & Connie(?): *laughing* *sigh happily* ... you're such a dork, Connie/Louisa-


Okay that's it my wonderful foodies~ Now I hope I can serve you another chapter again soon!


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