Babysitting- (Part 3)

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Me: I think we made too much eggs for our appetite-

Donnie: *walks in from outside* there's this kid named Jason, and he- holy chalupa! I didn't think this is what you meant by making eggs! How many is left?!

Milly: there's only one left over *holds the egg*

Jack: yeah, but there's a lot of boiled and scrambled eggs if you want any! *smiles big* *shows Donnie the eggs*

Donnie: *puts head in hands* ... I leave for a small walk around the neighborhood, and this is what you do??

Me: sorry Don Don, but we got a bit carried away with the cooking.....

Jack: I almost choked on the eggs-

Milly: we weren't supposed to tell anyone! *hits Jack's shoulder*

Donnie: *looks at me sternly*

Me: *nervously laughing* ...... is it too late to say "I don't know what they're talking about"???

Donnie: yes.

Jack: Louisa, do you want to see my skins on Fortnite?? *grabs my wrist*

Me: sure-

Milly: I'll be out here playing Fortnite if you need me-

Donnie: you guys play way too much Fortnite-

Jack: come on! *pulls Donnisa to his shared room*

Donnie: this place looks so homey.

Me: I know right-

Jack: I have a lot of skins, like *starts talking a lot about Fortnite*

Donnie: *whisper asks me* do you know what he's saying??

Me: *whispers* not a clue...

*a knock erupts through the house.... someone's at the front door*

Me: *starts walking out*

Donnie: *follows me*

Jack: *notices us walk out* what're you doing??

Me: just checking to see who's here *sees Milly's friend, nods in understanding* hi, I'm the babysitter....

Donnisa: *chuckles* that doesn't sound right coming from me/you.

Donnie: hi, I'm the actual babysitter. Nice to meet you.....

Milly: her name's Claire. We were just about to play Fortnite-

Claire: yeah, I got it on my phone-

Jack: *gasps* can I join?-


Claire: we could just let him try, and if we don't like the way he plays, we kick him out.

Me: yeah, that sounds good.

Milly: *pouts while looking at me* I didn't ask you!

Me: *raises hands* *walks into their parents room* *closes door*

-with me-

Me: *goes to the corner* *sits down* *smiles while grabbing out phone for music*

*someone knocks on the door*

Me: don't come in, I'm changing! *side smiles at lie*

Donnie: *on the other side of the door* *fake sadness* darn, and I thought we could hang out...

Me: *rolls eyes playfully* you know that I was lying, just come in!

Donnisa: *laughs softly*

Donnie: *walks in* *closes door* *locks door* *sees I'm fully clothed while in the corner* *playfully* changing, huh?

Me: *playfully* oh, be quiet. I was just gonna let them do whatever they wanted on Fortnite as I sat in here. Care to join me? *gestures to the spot next to me on the floor*

Donnie: sure, just one thing.

Me: what would that be??

Donnie: *smiles* *walks over to me* *picks me up easily*

Me: *laughs* Donnie! Put me down

Donnie: you're the boss~ *plops me down on the bed*

Donnisa: *laugh a little*

Me: want to just see what trashy music I have??

Donnie: sure. *sits next to me*

*Stupid: By Tate McRae comes on*

Me: *eyes widen* *dog ears flatten under my hair* *nervously laughs* l-let's skip this one-

Donnie: no, no, no! *grabs my phone* I want to see how this sounds! *gets close to the chorus* I think I got the chorus in my head now.

Me: *looks him in the eye* wanna bet??

Donnie: you're on-

Donnisa: oh my god, I'm a fool!
Keep on coming back to you
I'm so stupid for ya
I'm so stupid for ya
You're so bad for my health
But I just can't help myself~
I'm so stupid for ya
I'm so stupid for ya

Me: *laughs* this is always a good song

Donnie: I can see that, because-

Donnisa: it's so relatable- *blushes* *looks the other way embarrassed*

*the kids from outside the room can be heard yelling about Fortnite*

Donnie: *chuckles* they really like that game, don't they? - *hears the beginning of Empty: By BoyInABand and Jaiden* ... the beat sounds good so far-

Me: maybe this is where we say "Music: With Louisa" comes to an end! *tries to get phone back from Donnie*

Donnie: we both know I have longer arms, human or not *gets phone out of reach* what's so bad about me hearing your music?? *hears "I can help you, trust me, you're ready..." and "it seemed dangerous - but it said to have faith in it! The secret is to just stay empty"* *eyes widen* *looks me in the eye* L-Louisa???

Me: *whines* *puts head in crook of Donnie's neck* *takes off glasses* *tries not to look at him*

Jaiden: and at first it was working
But then things were emerging
Cracked lips and tired eyes
I'm hungry with no appetite!
I'm shivering and shaking, and I tell myself I'm fine, but-
You can't fool your body, you can only fool your mind! Yeah-
I just need to be empty
Hide from anybody who'll prevent me
Just fill up on water and saying-
"No, I'm not hungry, I just ate"
I developed a taste for this
Endure the never-ending ache
Convince myself I'm in control and it's not-
All the voice that makes me sick

Donnie: *takes out earbuds* *throws my phone to the end of the bed* *hugs me tightly*

Me: *groans* *tries not to cry.... fails*

Donnie: wh-what..... Louisa, is this how you felt while y-you were crushing on Daede?? Trying to better yourself, but couldn't. So you tried to stay e-E-e-E-eM-eM-eMpT-

Me: "empty"?? Yeah..... then I went through "Stupid" by that girl, and realized I literally was stupid...

Donnie: *starts crying too*

Me: but....

Donnie: *eyes widen* *wasn't expecting a "but"*

Me: I got to get you for the Ask or Dare game...... and I started to hardcore crush on you.. so I got to be stupid for you.

Donnie: *softly smiles* *realization hits* ... you're just trying to get all mushy so I won't be upset at you for starving yourself... aren't you??

Me: ..... damn it-


Okay that's it my wonderful foodies~ Now I hope I can serve you another chapter again soon!


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