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Me: this is gonna be an interesting dare-
Raph: how interestin are we talkin about??
Sam: who even knows anymore- it's Weeza!
Donnie: I'm sure that whatever the dare is, we won't get tortured!!!
Hazel: I don't know Don, something seems weird about this-
Tom: let's just get us some FOOD!!!


April: I'll...... be right back *runs out of the dojo*

Raph: should any of us be worried??

Donnie: I don't know, but what happened to ya Mikey?? *gets Mikey off of me out of jealousy*

Mikey: I-I-I-I-I-

Leo: *walks in* I got dared to tell him about sex, so I put it as gently as I could-


Hazel: *walks in* what did I miss??

Sam: yeah! The movie ended and we're tired of just watching movies

Casey: I just came in here since Hazel came in here *wraps his arms around Hazels waist*

Dezzy: well, those two are handcuffed to eachother *points at Raph and Tom*

Sam: *smugly laughs* I regret NOTHING!

Raph: wait a minute, you were the one to dare this?! *points at Tom angrily*

Tom: I don't care if you don't, but we can totally beat her ass!!

Raph: that's reckless..... let's do it!

Raph and Tom: *run towards Sam*

Me: not on my watch! *snaps fingers so the handcuffed dudes won't move, along with Sam* now then, today we only got one dare. That dare is from someone who dared Donnie to kiss me earlier, but let's ignore that for a second. The very same person dared every single one of us to do something with the person we love.

Hazel: should we be worried???

April: *comes back in with dark brown contacts in her eyes* look who found contacts! Now you guys will get confused on who is who. So if you don't mind- *tackles me*

Me: get off of me!!! *fights April as she fought me*

Hazel: get off of my cousin you imposter!!! *lifts up one of the doubles* I think I'm seeing double!

Casey: *chuckles*

Dezzy: wait.... who is who??

Donnie: who even knows, but what was the dare sweetheart?? *looks back and forth between the doubles*

Louisa #1: well Don Don *grabs out T-phone* it says here that-

Louisa #2: how'd you get my T-phone?!

Louisa #1: I don't know what you're talking about April, this is mine- anyways, it says that we all get to kiss our crush-

Tom: YAS-

Louisa #1: except for Tom, everyone gets to do this except for Tom-

Tom: aw man *snaps his fingers*

Raph: ha!

Casey: well, if we all get to do this- how will Don kiss Weeza??

Louisa #1 and #2: yeah! He can't just randomly pick one of us!! He could kiss April *points at the other* and enjoy it! *sees the other pointing* she's lying! I'm the real one!!

Dezzy: this is getting stupid-

Leo: wait, I got this! Louisa?

Louisa #1 and #2: yes?

Leo: well, I'm out of ideas-

Sam: I thought I taught you better! How many boyfriends have I had before Leo?!

Louisa #2: you've had a boyfriend before Leo??
Louisa #1: too many to count, Sam!

Sam: ding ding ding! That's the real Weeza! *looks towards Louisa #1*

Me: thank you, thank you! *bows and snaps fingers so Raph, Tom and Sam can move*

Hazel: that's one way to do it-

Mikey: can I walk out so I won't have to witness the kissing??

April: go ahead Mikey, I'll even come with you *grabs Mikey by his wrist and stomps out angrily*

Tom: well, that was fun-

Donnie: *pulled me towards him with a smirk* ready to annoy Tom??

Me: *blushes* remember, the dare said make out- *begins a passionate kiss with Donnie*

Raph: hey Dezzy, care to do the honors-

Dezzy: *puts her hands on Raphs shoulders and begins to kiss Raph*

Sam: get over here, Leo! *wraps her arms around his neck and kisses him*

Casey: our turn, Hazel *pulls her over and begins to kiss Hazel*

Tom: this is torture, complete torture- *sees both of his crushes kissing a turtle* KILL ME NOW!!!

Raph: *still kissing Dezzy as he punches Tom in the face*

Tom: ow- what the heck man?!?


Okay that's it my wonderful foodies~ Now I hope I can serve you another chapter again soon!


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