
17 1 15

-back at the lair-

Ford: I think that's about it *puts a ellipsis in the journal* thank you for your time-

Me: *in the distance* c'mon, we're almost there!..

Hazel: *walking out* what did I miss? *smiling* *hair is a bit more floofier than usual*

Dezzy: not much *turns the tv on*

Dipper: *in the distance* my legs are gonna give out on me, Louisa!

Me: *in the distance* *playfully annoyed* quit being such a girl and just keep a good grip!

Hazel: what are they talking about?-

Ford & Dezzy: *absent mindedly* I don't know

Masa & Casey: *getting into view*

Hazel: *looks over at the entrance* why does it look like they're carrying a pink homeless man?

Ford: I'm sorry, did you just say "pink"?-
Dezzy: *eyes widen* *annoyed* oh, man you didn't!-

Dipper: cAn SoMeOnE jUsT hElP uS gEt HiM iNtO tHe KiTcHeN?!

Me: someone just take Dipper's side, I'm perfectly fine!

Ford: *rushed to the three* *picks up Casey* *carries him to the kitchen*

Hazel: ... was that Casey?

Me: *tired* yeah, we had to carry him all the way down here *collapsed on the couch* and I might as well have been DRAGGING HIM-

Dipper: well excuse me *sits down next to Louisa* I'm just a weak nerd...

Dezzy: *mumbles* yes, you are
Me: hey, don't worry. I'm a weak nerd too... also a bit of a dork *chuckles*

Dipper: *heard Louisa* *softly blushed* thanks...
Hazel: *heard Dezzy* *tries not to laugh* *clears her throat with a small smile*

Me: well *stands up* I should go check in on Casey-

Hazel: why is he here??

Dezzy: yeah, wasn't he living his life as a hobo?

Dipper: yeah, but Louisa felt some sympathy for him. Which is why he's now here... are we going home tonight, or are we staying the night??

Me: you're staying. You sleep in Mikey's room, Ford and Stan bunk in Donnie's secret room in the lab. While Mabel bunks with Haven if it's okay with them-

Hazel: definitely fine, just keep Casey away from me. I don't want him hitting on me again *looks away uncomfortably*

Me: got it *points at the kitchen* and now I'm gone *walks away*

Dezzy: I suggest you keep sticking by Steven-

Garnet: *walks out with her eyes closed* I better see Dipper and Louisa on the couch sleeping!

Dipper: *face goes red* wh-WhAt?!

Garnet: *opens eyes* *groans* *lifts up sunglasses* *pinched ridge of nose* this is bad- this is really bad...

Hazel: why is it bad??

Dezzy: I knew it! *claps her hands loudly* he's gonna use Weeza to get to you. I'll shut this down before it starts-

Garnet: don't do anything. Let Donnisa play itself out. If you interfere you'll make Louisey more of a possibility than Masa!

Dipper: "Masa"?-
Hazel & Dezzy: *eyes widen* WHAT?!-

Garnet: just remember, no matter how Louisey looks do not interfere-

-in the kitchen-

Casey: *close to falling asleep*

Ford: *opens the microwave* *grabs pizza* kid, wake up! Your pizza's done-

Casey: *eyes widen * *grabs pizza* *eats quickly*

Me: *walks in* hey Case... you doing okay?

Casey: *nods his head* *still eating*

Ford: who is he anyway? And why is he pink?? *grabs out his journal again*

Me: this is Casey Jones. He's pink because of Steven. His mother had healing abilities, and-

Ford: Rose Quartz is Steven's mother?!

Me: yeah... terrible mom by the way. Anyways, he has some of her powers and he brought Casey back from being dead. Since, ya know.. he accidentally killed him out of anger.

Casey: it was my own fault. I kept going after his girlfriend...

Me: Casey shouldn't really be feeling hunger though. How long has it been since you ate??

Casey: I've been forgotten for a while, so... maybe about four to five months-

Me: damn, I'm sorry...

Casey: it's not your fault. Honestly it's my own - whenever I was here I kept acting like a simp for Hazel...

Ford: "simp"?..

Me: lovesick fool in other words... kinda like how Dipper was to Wendy-

Ford: you know about that?! How?? *gets ready to write*

Me: *shakes my head* you don't wanna know - but Casey, why didn't you come down here sooner? We're almost all friends here.

Casey: I didn't want to freak Hazel out, I know her. She would feel uncomfortable around me being around

Ford: then why did you come down now??

Casey: I was so weak I couldn't tell them off and warm food sounded nice

Me: you can take the couch, I'll probably sleep on the wooden thing above it-

Casey: Weeza, just take the couch - I can sleep on the wood.

Me: *groans* Case, don't fight me on this. Either take it, or see me being pissed as Super Saiyan Purple-

Ford: and you really don't wanna see that

Casey: okay, I'll take the couch

Donnie: *yawns* *starts making coffee* anyone want some?

Ford: no thanks, I want to sleep soon.
Me: no thanks, Don - I'm good.
Casey: sure, I'll take a bit.

Donnie: *eyes widen* *looks at Casey* how long has it been since you've been here??

Casey: five months.

Ford: why are you wanting coffee if you could get a good amount of sleep for once??

Casey: well, I still need to shower and change. And I want that done before I get on anyone's nerves with how stinky I am-

Me: trueee

Donnie: *chuckles* *gets two mugs of coffee* *puts one down for Casey* want any creamer?

Casey: since when is there creamer here??

Me: since I started drinking coffee. There's hazelnut, vanilla-

Casey: vanilla please

Donnie: *grabs creamer from the fridge* *puts it down by Casey* there you go, go nuts *walks out*

Casey: *puts some creamer in his mug* *grabs a spoon* *stirs the creamer around* *takes a small sip*

Me: sooo... how's it taste?

Casey: kinda good actually *smiles* hey.. I just wanna thank you, Louisa

Me & Ford: for what??

Casey: for helping me after what I've done. Even after getting you yelled at by Raph for telling me off-


Okay that's it my wonderful foodies~ Now I hope I can serve you another chapter again soon!


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