The two dares

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Me: *while no one is in the room* okay this is gonna be long, sorry guys, and now we see how it's going with Hazel and Mikey

-with Hazel and Mikey-

Hazel: okay so Leonarsam or Donnisa first??? *sets down a piece of paper that has plans written down*

Mikey: I say Leonarsam, it is probably gonna be a little more fun to do than Donnisa, so what should we do?

Casey: can I just know what you two are gonna do??? I wanna see how they react!

Hazel: I-if you want too *twirls some hair around her finger as she says* I don't mind, do you Mikey?

Mikey: *smiles* no, okay so Hazel, I think we should do the "accidental" stuck in a room!

Casey: that sounds risky..... I like it!

Hazel: I say we can do it that way................. or I suggest we do couple ideas, if they see couple stuff happening, it makes ideas pop into their heads

Mikey and Casey: so what do we do?

Raph: *walks in the room* tell Donnie to ask out Shorty-

Hazel: two things. One; they already are trying to decide what to do for a date because of Weeza. Two; she has a name and it's Louisa you-you insensitive jerk!

Casey: Hazel, you have guts!

Mikey: OHHHHHHHHH!!!!!

Raph: *lowly growls* it was just a suggestion little green

Hazel: call her by her name please, and I don't know how to plant the idea in their heads, maybe by movies or a fake couple getting together-

Mikey: hey dudette can you grab me my pranking kit in my room? You'll be able to tell which one is which by what's on the doors, pretty please!

Hazel: *looks at Mikey with a smile* sure thing Mikey, be right back! *walks out with a skip in her step*

Raph: why did Sam have to dare this to me?!

Mikey: Casey we are going with Hazels plan, and you are gonna ask her out in front of both Leo and Sam! It's perfect *laughs as he falls backward in his chair*

Casey: but I don't even know the dudette! She is hot and all, but I wanna know her first!

Raph: you hit on basically every girl, what's different about this one?

Casey: the difference is that I'll care if I get rejected, all right?!

Mikey: *gushes* awwww, you love her!

Hazel: *walks in* who likes who??? *sets down the box of stuff Mikey has for pranking* I promise I wasn't eavesdropping that's all I heard is that someone likes someone, a her in this case so I know you two aren't.... *clears her throat* different than what's supposed to be normal dudes

Casey: do you mean ga-

Raph: it's nothin you need to worry about Hazel, now Imma go enjoy my freedom of not being pranked before I can't. Later guys! *walks away*

Mikey: and now I'm gonna go and plan on what to prank while I can before Raph tries and stops me! I'll be back to plan with ya in a bit dudette! *runs out with his box of supplies* Casey just do it!

Hazel: firstly, yes I meant gay, secondly what did Mikey mean by "just do it"?

Casey: *runs his right hand through his hair* he meant that I needed to *sees Sam walking with Leo next to her* ask a question.....

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