Guitar & Amp

19 1 9

-with Peedee & Louisa-

Me: *sighs* *sets Peedee down on the bed* *sits down on the floor* did you witness everything?? *doesn't look up*

Peedee: well, from context I can see that stuff happened... I don't really know what-

Me: Hazel was trying to avoid Casey again early this in the morning, so I got in the way and yelled a bit too loud at Casey. Raph got super pissed, started yelling at me, but Donnie bailed on me and let me take the blame. The yelling lasted for two hours as he also left some bruises on me... *crossed arms* and Donnie doesn't even see my side. This might as well be like how I was when I was with Tom! *takes off glasses* *tears up quickly*

Peedee: *mumbles* damn it *starts trying to climb down without falling* *barely lands on feet* *stumbles towards Louisa* *sets paw on Louisa's forearm* I-I'm sorry... if it makes you feel any better, I say this is probably all just Raph's fault.

Me: *chuckles softly* *tail wags* both you and Dezzy think it's his fault-

Peedee: *playfully* that's because it is... but hey, not everything turns out good, right? In some relationships *looks down* they just aren't meant to be.

Me: *looks up at Peedee* *noticed the sadness on his face* ... Peedee?

Peedee: *remembers his point* *blushed under his fur* *looks back at Louisa* b-but you and Donnie looked so perfect together. Maybe he'll come back around-

Me: *lowly growls* no *stands up* I've had enough of us having so much of an on and off relationship!... if I'm ending it for reals this time, I'm ending it how we got back together this time. I'm doing this song style... stay here, I'll be right back *stands up* *walks out*

Peedee: ... what just happened??

-later on that day-

Steven: I'm just asking, why do you want my ukulele??

Me: you'll find out soon enough - plus, you already know I won't take anything from you, just please let me borrow it.

Hazel: Louisa, as much as I'm curious to find out what you're doing - I know you, sometimes you forget to give back what you borrow.

Sam: yeah!

Me: whaaaaat? Psh! Yeah right-

Tom: I'm afraid to say they're right, Weeza *floating* *not really interested with the conversation* you borrowed my jean shorts when we were dating and I'm still waiting on those to get returned-

Me: and I told you - those got lost just like socks get lost!... in the laundry.

Hazel: what about my Monster High doll??

Sam: or my sweatshirt from sixth grade??

Me: okay, so I'm not the most-

Steven: the answer is no.

Me: then can you at least snap me up a guitar and amp??

Steven: okay, where do you want it?

Sam: yeah, because there's no way you'd be able to carry anything with your weak ass arms *smugly chuckles*

Me: just snap it into the guest room - in a corner since Peedee is in there and you could crush him-

Steven: *snaps his fingers* done and done-

Me: *walks away*

Steven: okay, now what do we talk about since she's not here??

Hazel: did anyone else notice her tail isn't slightly wagging??

Sam: no one would since none of us would be looking at her ass-

Tom: yeah, I noticed.

Steven: why were you looking at her butt?- nevermind, ask a stupid question *rolls eyes slightly*

Hazel: *giggles softly*
Tom: for your information - that tail is adorable!

-two hours later-

Jasmine: *is flying around the lair a bit* has anyone seen Raph??

Leo: *points out of the lair* Dezzy pulled him out of the lair against his will to, most likely, talk about the yelling situation with Louisa-

Jasmine: *glares at Leo* you knew about that too??

Master Splinter: *reassuringly* we all knew about it, Jasmine. *normally* but whenever we talk to Raph he always says he's going to quit the team, and at one point he almost did succeed in that empty threat. Leonardo had to go and chase him down before he left New York for good...

Leo: that was a dark Tuesday-

Peedee: *stumbling his way out* I just realized I could get the antidote to turn back to normal - is Donnie still in the lab??

Jasmine: he should be-

Me: *walks out with a black guitar strapped around my torso* *bad girl type of clothes on* *blows a bubble with gum* when you're done with that Peedee, tell him to get his shell in the guest room... *looks at everyone else in the room* *waves slightly* hey *walks away*

Leo: ... it's not just me, that's not normal, right??

Master Splinter: what happened when I went into deep meditation after Raph stopped yelling??

Jasmine: um.. she talked with Donnie, and I think broke up with him-

Peedee: oh god, you haven't seen her after that- she's not doing well after that talk with Donnie.

Leo: "not doing well", how??

Peedee: she started to go deep into describing why she acts childish-

Master Splinter: I know everyone has their own reasons for their actions, but what are hers??

Peedee: I don't want to be spilling tea, but let's just say it's for a very sweet reason, and she's not just mad at Donnie for what happened earlier. She's thinking on changing her personality completely over this...

Jasmine: what does that mean?? *floats down onto her feet*

Peedee: that she's... how would you describe it?- good girl gone bad.

Leo: on a scale of one to psycho - how far is she willing to go??

Peedee: she said turning full Sam? Because she got broken down over a boy, and realized how stupid they can be-

Master Splinter: this can not be good...

Peedee: now I'm gonna go and get that antidote - as much fun as it was really looking up at you all and almost breaking my neck... I want to be myself again *stumbles his way to the lab*

-in the lab-

Donnie: *is stressing* *pacing back and forth in a line*

*someone knocks on the door*

Donnie: *blinks* *looks up* *feels only a bit relieved* Louisa??

*silence happened until another knock happens on the door*

Donnie: *is confused* *walks over to the door* *opens it* *looks around* *doesn't see who knocked* is this some type of prank??

Peedee: *jumps a bit* down here!

Donnie: *looks down* oh, that makes more sense... need something? *leaves the door open* *walks back in to pace again*

Peedee: just the antidote, and to deliver a message...

Donnie: *realization hits* *looks at Peedee* *kneels down to his level* what message??

Peedee: to see Louisa in the guest room... she wants to talk-

Donnie: *grabs the beaker with the antidote* *pours it on Peedee* *quickly walks out*

Peedee: *gags* ugh, it went in my mouth- *screams in pain*


Okay that's it my wonderful foodies~ Now I hope I can serve you another chapter again soon!


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