"say uncle, Grunkle."

19 2 5

-with Louisey-

Me: *softly groans* *sinks into the couch*

Casey: I-

Me: Casey, I already know "I'm sorry, I didn't mean for any of that to happen. I just wanted to see if I still had a shot with Hazel. Clearly I don't if I haven't faced her in so long. I've learned-"

Casey: oh my god, can I say what I was actually gonna say??

Me: *nervously chuckled* sorry, I just thought-.. I dunno, you'd be a bit predictable.

Casey: I'm not. I was gonna say whatever I do now won't make up for what I've done. If I say sorry to you now it'll be like me trying to make myself feel better. Hell, I'll go right now if I'm bothering you guys too much

Me: *a bit speechless* Casey, just... stay. It's not like you have anywhere else to go-

Casey: I still want to thank you then. Even if there's a chance of me being an idiot, you still trust me.. why?

Me: like my grandma says *stands up* *walks towards the dojo* *smiles over shoulder* I see the good in others even when most people don't. I know you're good, Casey - you just gotta show the others *walks in the dojo*

Casey: *softly smiles* *looks down*

-in the dojo-

Stan: c'mon! I want a rematch!!

Garnet: you wouldn't be able to take it, Stanley!

Master Splinter: listen to Garnet! She can see the future-

Stan: *scoffs* yeah right! I just want a fight! *starts running at Master Splinter*

Master Splinter: *dodged last second*

Stan: *eyes widen* kid, look out!!

Me: *sees Stan running my way* *eyes widen* *drops down into a ball*

Stan: *tripped over Louisa* agh-

Me: *instincts kick in* *stands up* *kicks Stan where the sun don't shine* *gets in a fighting position*

Garnet: you want a fight, I think Louisa just provided you with one *smirks*

Master Splinter: *chuckles* have fun! *gently grabs Garnet's hand*

Yoshet: *walk out*

Me: *realization hits* *gets out of stance* oh my lanta, are you okay?- *gets punched* *glasses fly back* ow! *rubs nose*

Stan: *chuckles* *stands up* you just started somethin you'll regret, kid! *advances towards Louisa*

Me: *yelps* *dodged last second* YOU SERIOUSLY LEFT ME WITH AN AGGRESSIVE MAN WHO WANTS NOTHING BUT A FIGHT?! *runs quickly* *picks up glasses* *puts them on* *looks back at Stan* *barely dodged another punch*

Casey: *walks in* *eyes widen* hey, go easy on her! *runs towards Stan*

Stan: stay outta this! *kicks Casey back*

Ford: *walks in* *caught Casey* Stanley, at least don't injure anyone too badly! If one of these kids end up with a broken bone, I'll break your foot!!

Louisey: that's what you're worried about?!-

Stan: *laughs like a bit of a mad man* NOTED!

Me: *looks around* *thinks over how to get Stan down* *still running* *stops* *starts running at Stan*

Stan: let's play a game of chicken!

Me & Stan: *running towards the other*

Me: *jumped up last second* *does a quick push off from the top of Stan's head* *also does a flip to be facing Stan while being in the air*

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