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-in the real world-

Donnie: *gasps* *sits up* *takes the helmet off* ... so *moves helmet around a bit* I created an alternate universe where Louisa doesn't exist. Where she can also just pop in and live an alternate world... AWESOME!! *sets the helmet down* *runs towards the dojo*

-in the dojo-

Peedee: okay, now what you're gonna want to do is-

Sam: throw her??
Leo: give her up for adoption because we don't know what we're doing??

Leonarsam: wait - what did you say?!

Master Splinter: *softly facepalms* I am done with this *walks into his room*

Garnet: ... huh. That's not the timeline I was hoping for-

Master Splinter: if anyone wants to talk to me, I'm in here! *shuts his screen door*

Garnet: *blinks a few times under her visor* *walks towards Splinter's room*

Steven: what makes you think to throw a baby?!
Hazel: why would you give her up for adoption?!

Donnie: okay, you're not doing anything harmful to my honeybee!! *gently picks up baby Louisa* and two-

Baby me: *giggles* *plays patty-cake on Donnie's shoulder*

Leonarsam: awww!
Haven: ... why with his shoulder?
Peedee: she's been just waiting for one of these two to open a jar of baby food.

Leo: she won't eat it!
Sam: she'll just barf it up!

Donnie: maybe you just need to get her the kind that she likes. I know that she likes a variety of fruit, maybe just give her applesauce.

Sam: or give her mashed vegetables since she hates them, but she needs them in her system-

Leo: did you just say that because you wanna see her suffer??

Sam: *playfully* you know me too well *pats Leo's cheek* *goes towards the duffle bag* *grabs out baby food - mashed carrots* *grabs a spoon* here comes the veggies! *scoops up some of the baby food*

Donnie: *sets baby Louisa down*
Baby me: *kicks the spoon up*

Sam: *got baby food in her face* *lowly growls*

Leo: babe, she didn't mean it-
April: *is barely making her way into the dojo* *holding her stomach* *looks like sh*t*
Peedee: that was an accident-
Haven: Sam, let's be rational-

Sam: *snaps* THAT'S IT!! *picks baby Louisa up* *throws baby Louisa*

Donnie: LOUISA!! *runs after the flying baby*

Baby me: *gurgles scared somehow*

Donnie: *dives* *slides on his shell a bit* *barely caught baby Louisa*

Baby me: *opens an eye* *sees Donnie caught me* *smiles big* *gurgles happily* *claps hands a few times*

Sam: no! She's supposed to get hurt-

Garnet: *from Splinter's room* and that's enough of baby training for Sam! Steven, you know what to do!!

Steven: right *snaps fingers*

Me: *gets turn back to my normal age* *is still in a diaper* *baby onesie turned into a bra* *eyes widen* *blushed dark* *runs towards Donnie's room* I'LL BE BACK!!

Peedee: ... does that mean we can act like normal teens again??

April: *gags* well, as normal as we can be at least.

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